

Saturday, April 29, 2017

The Undefeated Golden Eagles

David is coaching Parker's T-ball team again this year. They are in fact undefeated, but they don't actually keep score. They named themselves The Golden Eagles and I'm pretty sure they are only slightly less graceful and powerful than the bird they're named after. Parker still isn't convinced that he likes t-ball, but he sure does love spending time with his Papa and David does an amazing job of coaching. Somehow he's able to get the team of 3-6 year olds organized (picture someone herding cats), teach them the basics of t-ball, and generally get them pumped up about the whole experience. He has the kids chant four rules before and after each game: 1) Have fun. 2) Try hard. 3) Be kind. 4) Practice unbelievable discipline.
It's a work in progress. 

{Parker and his opponent, Finn. It was a fierce battle. :-)}

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Happy Easter!

We were still trying to get back on Seattle time after returning from Kauai, but we made it to church Easter morning to celebrate that Christ is Risen! Afterwards, the boys searched the house for where the Easter bunny hid their Easter baskets and for dinner we dined on Easter ham.

Christ is Risen....Indeed! Halleluiah!

{Finn and Parker behaving like angels in church :-)}

{On the hunt for Easter baskets}

{Sous Chef Monroe makes a mean Easter Ham}

The Pannonis host an annual Easter Egg Hunt and Brunch, but since they too were just returning from Kauai they decided to have it before the trip. Unfortunately Parker had to leave before the actual hunt in order to make it to his T-ball game, but Conway and Monroe had a great time "searching" for eggs with a bunch of friends...

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Kauai For Spring Break

For Spring Break we went to Kauai with four other families - the Verhasselts, Pannonis, Huhmensons, and Josephs. Pretty much everything went as we predicted. Parker and Conway did fantastic on the flights. Monroe did okay, but definitely reminded us why we continue to tell ourselves that we won't fly with a 9 month old (and then do it anyway). Kauai was beautiful and sunny most of the time and we got to enjoy pool time, beach time, and a great time all around with some pretty awesome friends! Here are some photos of the adventure...

{Monroe looks pretty excited for the airplane. Ha!}

{Naptime on the flight}

{The time difference was a bit of a transition, but the sting of being woken up early was softened by finding Parker reading to Conway in bed}

{Morning game of soccer - adults versus kids}

{Pool time was the name of the game most mornings and afternoons,
a lot of pool time}

{And hot tub time}


{A stop by Safeway on our drive in from the airport had David prepared. Tuck this in the basket under the stroller and he was set by the pool}

{And of course the boys requested their own cocktails by the pool so virgin lava flows for them}

{Tuesday was beach day and crawling in the crevices of that row of rocks you see in the background were little black crabs. Pretty cool!}

{Yep, Jesse made all the kids mocktails and then followed those up with shaved ice. Coolest fake uncle ever}

{Dinner out together for four of the five families. Kids at one end of the table. Adults at the other. Such chaos. Such fun!}

{And when the dinner goes longer than the kids can handle, just prop a device up against water glasses}

{Or snuggle up together and watch sports highlights}

{Or cat videos}

{Or just stretch your legs outside}

{All the kids took naps each day...and sometimes the adults did too. There is one adult and one kid napping in this picture :-)}

{Sometimes during naps the grown-ups went for walks on the beach (Treva) or runs (David). Thanks for the photo bomb, Nico.}

{Post naps generally meant more pool time}

{Parker and his new friend Nico}

{Parker being pushed around the pool by Nico and Mollie}

{Monroe and his friend Tatum}

{David's not-so-new friend Ty. Seriously, we spotted the whole Pender family walking by us at the pool. Apparently we had to go all the way to Kauai to see the Penders!}

{Playtime and then dinner with the Huhmensons on our last night in paradise}

{I think Soo-Jin is ready to go to bed}

{The whole experience tuckered Conway out and he proceeded to fall asleep on the way to the airport}