

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Monroe Is 9 Months Old

Monroe's 9 Month Old Stats
Height/Length: 29.8in (93%)
Weight: 23lb 4oz (93%)
Head Circumference: 45cm (48%)

For some reason Monroe seems a lot more grown up lately. The changes aren't major, but all of a sudden the reality that he is almost one year old has struck me. I know we have a few more months until that actually happens and he is definitely still a baby, but recently it has started to feel like that is truly on the horizon.

Monroe can now pull himself to a standing position and although he isn't super steady he can even shuffle his feet a tiny bit. Every once in a while as he's standing he'll even let go and instead of falling/sitting right away he'll stand there unassisted for a second. It's really just a pause, but it's pretty fun to see him excited about it.

Monroe has four teeth now and he loves using them! He's become a bit of a biter recently which he thinks is pretty fun. He does it with a smile and a laugh, but his teeth are super sharp so I'm not quite so thrilled by it. He's also using those teeth to eat lots of finger foods. He still loves Chex and Cheerios and to his repertoire he has also added a number of other soft tidbits: peas, carrots, meatballs, chicken, cauliflower, banana, scrambled eggs, pears, strawberries, cheesy pasta. He still has some variety of pureed food at lunch and dinner, but he's often more into the self service options these days.

One of the biggest changes this month is that I feel like Monroe is finally in a good rhythm with sleep. It's not that he was a bad sleeper before. I just couldn't seem to get a handle on what he needed for naps and that was really frustrating. He was consistently waking up early from naps, grumpy and still tired. Then eventually he'd end up taking a long nap and it seemed like he was catching up on lost sleep. But as of the last couple of weeks (knock on wood) we've found a bit of a rhythm. He seems happier and well rested. I know I'm happier. So here's what seems to be working for us right now...
7:30/7:45       wake, nurse, breakfast
9:30 - 11:15    nap then nurse & lunch
2:15 - 4:00      nap then nurse
6:30                nurse then dinner
7:30                bed time

Monroe is still pretty attached to his mama these days and by attached I mean he seems to want to be literally attached to me. If he can see me, he basically screeches until I hold him. With that said, Monroe tends to do just fine with David or really just about anyone as long as he can't see or hear me. As soon as he senses that I'm around and not touching him, though, all bets are off. I do love how he smiles at me when he first sees me and I'm trying to embrace this closeness we have right now. I know that this baby of mine will not always be a baby and it won't be long before he grows up and doesn't want to be held and hugged and cuddled by me. 
So for now, we will remain attached. ❤

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