

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Happy New Year!

After Christmas we headed back to the snow in Chelan. This time we were joined by the Hueys and the Verhasselts. The sledding track that was started when we were there previously became pretty epic while we were there this time. Unfortunately, the Verhasselts weren't able to stay for New Years Eve, but Family Totten and Family Huey celebrated the last day of 2016 with bowling, make-your-own pizzas, and Christmas jammies. Bye Bye 2016. Hello 2017! Cheers!!
{Hot Cocoa!}
{Relaxing after an exhausting day of sledding}
{And more relaxing}
{New Years Eve Bowling}
{Can you see Monroe's feet?}
{Not everyone was thrilled by their performance :-)}
{No rolling pin to roll out pizza dough? No problem. Just use a Pellegrino bottle.} 

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