

Monday, January 16, 2017

All About Parker

Parker was Star of the Week in his class recently, which he was SUPER excited about. I'm pretty sure that besides sharing the above pictured poster he made about himself with his class, the only other perk to being Star of the Week was that he was the line leader. That was enough to make him feel really awesome and important, though. And just in case you can't read what he wrote about himself, the poster says...

I am 5 years old. My favorite color is yellow.
My favorite animal is dogs. My favorite food is waffles.
Hawaii is my favorite place.
When I grow up, I want to be an artist.
My favorite thing to do is cuddle with my favorite stuffed animal.
(with a picture of Brown Dog 😊)
If I had one wish, I would wish for me turning into lightening.

Yep, you read that last one correctly - he would like to turn into lightening. When I asked him why he would like to turn into lightening he kind of just looked at me like I was crazy. Am I the only one to whom that answer is not obvious? :-)

Love this guy!! 

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