

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Scooter Buddies

David has taken to riding Parker's big kid scooter while Conway rides the little kid scooter. As you might expect, Conway loves that his Papa is his scooter buddy.

Monday, January 23, 2017

Big Boy

This guy is getting so big - he's even busting out of his 6-9 month jammies. For the record, he's only 7 months old! The upside to his big toe breaking through his jammies, though, is that he can get the whole toe in his mouth. Ha! 

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Monster Jam 2.0

We recently attended our second (annual?) Monster Jam at the Tacoma Dome and we were joined by Uncle Matt, Aunt Sarah, Philip, and Sami. Monroe stayed home, but Conway got to come this year and he was pretty mesmerized by all the monster trucks. Parker of course enjoyed himself too, but I'm not sure what he liked more, the monster trucks or the bag of popcorn.

Monday, January 16, 2017

All About Parker

Parker was Star of the Week in his class recently, which he was SUPER excited about. I'm pretty sure that besides sharing the above pictured poster he made about himself with his class, the only other perk to being Star of the Week was that he was the line leader. That was enough to make him feel really awesome and important, though. And just in case you can't read what he wrote about himself, the poster says...

I am 5 years old. My favorite color is yellow.
My favorite animal is dogs. My favorite food is waffles.
Hawaii is my favorite place.
When I grow up, I want to be an artist.
My favorite thing to do is cuddle with my favorite stuffed animal.
(with a picture of Brown Dog 😊)
If I had one wish, I would wish for me turning into lightening.

Yep, you read that last one correctly - he would like to turn into lightening. When I asked him why he would like to turn into lightening he kind of just looked at me like I was crazy. Am I the only one to whom that answer is not obvious? :-)

Love this guy!! 

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Shark Attack


Conway's Christmas present from Uncle Damo finally arrived (darn Amazon holiday shipping 🙁) and Conway was thrilled to see that he too received a Snuggie. His, though, makes him look like he's being eaten by a shark!

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Monroe Is 7 Months Old

Monroe is now seven months old and he has found his voice. For better or worse, he has found a loud screeching voice to express his feelings and desires. Most often, we hear the screeching at the table when the rest of us are trying to have a relaxing meal. Okay, so that's a lie. The grownups are trying to have a relaxing meal, but the dinner table is rarely a relaxing place as Monroe has two older brothers who also feel the need to constantly express their feelings and desires. Parker and Conway tend to use words instead of screeches (most of the time) but they are not much quieter than Monroe.

Monroe's screeching is usually directly linked to him wanting something: a toy, a hug, a diaper change, MORE FOOD. In case just looking at him didn't clue you in - this kid loves to eat! Seriously, I think his thighs are as big around as both Conway's and Parker's. No lie. He continues to be pretty partial to breast milk directly from the source (he still won't take a bottle), but he's definitely into pretty much any pureed food that he's offered now too. Basically if he's at the table and a spoon of food isn't in his mouth, he's screeching and waving his arms.

My guess is we are a matter of days, if not hours, away from Monroe crawling. We have a previous post about how close he was to crawling and now he can do what one might actually call crawling except that it's only in reverse. Yet another thing that elicits screeching from Monroe. As in, "Why am I back here under the table when I was trying to get to that toy right in front of me?!?!"

Which leaves us only to cover the topic of sleep. Monroe's naps are getting shorter and farther apart, as would be expected. He's even toyed with dropping his third nap, but he doesn't seem quite ready to do that on a consistent basis yet. And we're still doing the dream feed - mostly because he won't take a bottle and us grown-ups like to be able to go out for the occasional date-night, which means Monroe isn't eating at his 7:15 bedtime anymore. Hopefully we aren't setting him up for needing food at 10:00pm for the rest of his life. 😟

Here's his typical schedule...
8:00               wake, eat
9:45 - 11:15    sleep then eat
1:30 - 3:00      sleep then eat
5:30 - 6:00      sleep then eat
7:15                bed time
10:00ish          dream feed, back to bed

Actually, still one more topic. Check out this cute little guy and how excited/proud he was when he picked up the piece of paper in front of him.

Monday, January 9, 2017


Parker and I went on another double date with Shannon and Finn to the Seattle Children's Theater and this time we saw Stellaluna.

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Yoda Snuggie

Here's Parker, just hanging out and doing some drawing 
in his Yoda Snuggie from Uncle Damo.

Thursday, January 5, 2017

So Close!

Monroe is so close to crawling! He gets up on his hands and knees, rocks forward and back, and even tries moving his legs. He just hasn't quite figured out how to move his hands at the same time. I just know that any day now, though, I'm going to look over and see him crawling across the house. Lord help us!!

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Happy New Year!

After Christmas we headed back to the snow in Chelan. This time we were joined by the Hueys and the Verhasselts. The sledding track that was started when we were there previously became pretty epic while we were there this time. Unfortunately, the Verhasselts weren't able to stay for New Years Eve, but Family Totten and Family Huey celebrated the last day of 2016 with bowling, make-your-own pizzas, and Christmas jammies. Bye Bye 2016. Hello 2017! Cheers!!
{Hot Cocoa!}
{Relaxing after an exhausting day of sledding}
{And more relaxing}
{New Years Eve Bowling}
{Can you see Monroe's feet?}
{Not everyone was thrilled by their performance :-)}
{No rolling pin to roll out pizza dough? No problem. Just use a Pellegrino bottle.}