

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Philip Turns 7!

First let me say this year's version of what I say every year, Cousin Philip turned 7 years old! Look how big and grown up this kid is getting. Philip celebrated his 7th birthday at The Lumberyard, an indoor bike park in Portland. Parker was a little anxious about getting out there with the big kids at first, but he had an absolute blast once he got going. Riding his bike is basically his favorite thing in the world so this shouldn't really be a surprise to anyone who knows him. Check out the amazing courses all these kids rode through! And Happy Birthday Philip!

{Checking out the terrain}

{Off they go}

{Parker the daredevil}

{Sami spent her time coloring while the boys rode}

{Parker's birthday picture for Philip. To read, start at the bottom. Oh, and the pictures are of a cupcake and a firework, clearly.}

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