Monroe's 6 Month Old Stats
Height/Length: 28in (92%)
Weight: 20lb 2oz (88%)
Head Circumference: 43.5cm (51%)
The biggest changes with Monroe this month involve food. First, he has started to refuse a bottle - not a big deal most of the time, more of a really annoying inconvenience. Monroe also started eating solid food. So far he has tasted rice cereal, pumpkin, applesauce, oatmeal, and pears. With the exception of pears, which he seems to really enjoy, he's basically just tolerating these pureed foods being spooned into his mouth.
In theory, Monroe's schedule hasn't changed much from the last couple of months. The length of his naps have been pretty unpredictable, though. I thought teething was to blame for his shorter naps, but at this point I can't really seem to put my finger on it. Oh well. He's still getting up at 7:30/8:00am, taking three naps, going to bed at 7:00/7:30pm, and sleeping through the night with the exception of the dream feed that I wake him up for just before I go to bed.
In theory, Monroe's schedule hasn't changed much from the last couple of months. The length of his naps have been pretty unpredictable, though. I thought teething was to blame for his shorter naps, but at this point I can't really seem to put my finger on it. Oh well. He's still getting up at 7:30/8:00am, taking three naps, going to bed at 7:00/7:30pm, and sleeping through the night with the exception of the dream feed that I wake him up for just before I go to bed.
Monroe is spending more and more time on his belly and he continues to move around by rolling. He loves the superman pose and he's even started testing out being up on his hands and knees. I think we have a good bit of time before he figures out how to synchronize his movements enough to actually crawl, but he's getting there.

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