Thanksgiving this year started off with a Run For the Hungry 5k. I know what you're thinking. "But you hate running, Treva." And you're right. But I caved to the peer pressure of my dear brother-in-law, Matt, and us Tottens joined the Johnsons on the run. And it was actually awesome! It started at the Washougal High School football stadium (our arch rivals growing up), wound around through some neighborhoods and then took a turn into the woods. I generally hate running, but I love hiking through the woods and that's basically what this was. Plus I got to chat with Sarah through the whole thing so there basically wasn't a downside. David and Matt probably didn't enjoy pushing the plethora of kids we have in strollers through the muddy wooded section of the run, but they can both run a 5K without breaking a sweat so we didn't feel too bad for them. Everyone of the kids except Philip did a 5k ride, but Philip ran the whole thing!!
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