

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Monroe Is 4 Months Old


Monroe's 4 Month Old Stats

Height/Length: 27in (97%)
Weight: 18lb (87%)
Head Circumference: 42cm (51%)

 Monroe has a lot going on right now! He's been a bit grumpy on and off this month and I think it's because he's working on so many new skills. He's getting much better hand control and although he still flails his arms around a lot, he's really trying to concentrate and grab at things. He LOVES grabbing my hair. :-(

A side affect of really wanting to move his arms was that he could no longer be contained by a swaddle so we made the switch to the sleep sack. His arms can move around and it was a bit of an adjustment for him, but there are little cuffs that cover his hands so he doesn't scratch his face as he flails about.

And the most recent development is that Monroe rolled from his back to his belly. He can't yet roll over to his back so tummy time inevitably ends in frustration, but with a little help rolling back over he's once again his happy smiling self.

Monroe's schedule hasn't changed much, but his third nap seems to be getting shorter and shorter and he's still waking up at some point during the night, usually at about 5am. He eats and goes right back to sleep so the whole thing doesn't take more than about 10-15 minutes, but I sure will be glad when we can all sleep through the whole night again.
Here's his typical schedule...
8:00               wake, eat
9:30 - 11:30    sleep then eat
1:00 - 3:00      sleep then eat
4:30 - 5:30      sleep then eat
7:15                jammies, eat, sleep
10:30ish          dream feed, back to bed 

Have I mentioned how ticklish Monroe is - not on his feet like his father, but basically everywhere else. Oh, the sound of his giggles when he's being tickled. Parker just loves it when he tickles Monroe and elicits a big giggle and the sight of them both looking at each other and laughing has to be one of my favorite things too. Check out this guy's chubby little cheeks...and his smile...and squishy little legs...and his piercing eyes. I could keep going, but I'll stop there.

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