

Monday, October 31, 2016

Trick Or Treat!

What a fun Halloween!! Parker dressed up as T-Rex, Conway was a Triceratops, Monroe was a baby dinosaur hatching out of an egg, and I was a Paleontologist (which actually isn't much of a departure from everyday life as I spend most of my time trying to figure out these three animals). The day was filled with candy, fun, and more candy.

{David and Grandma Dianna went to Parker's classroom Halloween
party in the morning}

{Parker's bestie, Blake (as Shaggy from Scooby Doo)}

{Parker of course fell asleep on the couch with Brown Dog
when he got home from school}

{Conway belting out Five Little Pumpkins at his school sing-a-long}

{The dinosaurs all dressed up and ready to trick-or-treat on Queen Anne Ave}


{Taking a candy break back at home before heading out to do more trick-or-treating with friends in Magnolia}

Oh, and this.

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Queen Anne Soccer - Fall 2016

Parker's first year of Queen Anne Fall Soccer ended with true northwest soccer weather - wet and soggy. Conway was miserable and threatened to drive home on his own several times, but Parker had a blast. And of course even Conway came around when he was offered a donut after the game.

Friday, October 28, 2016

Coe School Wacky Day!

Parker was more excited about Wacky Day than he looks in this picture. :-)

Saturday, October 15, 2016

October in Chelan

Another fun weekend in Chelan! This time Winn and Paige (Finn and Reid's cousins) joined us and they were such great helpers it was almost like having another grown up around to help with all the little boys. The weather wasn't great, but the cold and rain didn't keep everyone from enjoying the usual activities.

{Checking out the pool - Paige and Winn went for a swim, but Parker deemed it too cold}

{A little rain couldn't keep Paige from the hot tub}

{Setting up an "obstacle course"}

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Monroe Is 4 Months Old


Monroe's 4 Month Old Stats

Height/Length: 27in (97%)
Weight: 18lb (87%)
Head Circumference: 42cm (51%)

 Monroe has a lot going on right now! He's been a bit grumpy on and off this month and I think it's because he's working on so many new skills. He's getting much better hand control and although he still flails his arms around a lot, he's really trying to concentrate and grab at things. He LOVES grabbing my hair. :-(

A side affect of really wanting to move his arms was that he could no longer be contained by a swaddle so we made the switch to the sleep sack. His arms can move around and it was a bit of an adjustment for him, but there are little cuffs that cover his hands so he doesn't scratch his face as he flails about.

And the most recent development is that Monroe rolled from his back to his belly. He can't yet roll over to his back so tummy time inevitably ends in frustration, but with a little help rolling back over he's once again his happy smiling self.

Monroe's schedule hasn't changed much, but his third nap seems to be getting shorter and shorter and he's still waking up at some point during the night, usually at about 5am. He eats and goes right back to sleep so the whole thing doesn't take more than about 10-15 minutes, but I sure will be glad when we can all sleep through the whole night again.
Here's his typical schedule...
8:00               wake, eat
9:30 - 11:30    sleep then eat
1:00 - 3:00      sleep then eat
4:30 - 5:30      sleep then eat
7:15                jammies, eat, sleep
10:30ish          dream feed, back to bed 

Have I mentioned how ticklish Monroe is - not on his feet like his father, but basically everywhere else. Oh, the sound of his giggles when he's being tickled. Parker just loves it when he tickles Monroe and elicits a big giggle and the sight of them both looking at each other and laughing has to be one of my favorite things too. Check out this guy's chubby little cheeks...and his smile...and squishy little legs...and his piercing eyes. I could keep going, but I'll stop there.