

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Parker Starts Kindergarten!

Parker is now in Ms. Goodin's Kindergarten class at Coe Elementary School! He did great being dropped off on his first day and when I picked him up he was all smiles. He said he got sad and cried once because he missed us, but besides that he only had good things to say about the day. He has also mentioned on a number of occasions since starting school that "Blake is my best friend in the whole school", a type of phrase that I've never heard from him before. Somehow just a few days of Kindergarten have made Parker sound so much more grown up to me. I can't quite explain it. He is definitely exhausted by the end of the day, though. One day this week he was playing downstairs after school and when I went to check on him I found him asleep on the couch. He's growing up fast, but he'll always be our little Parker.

{Walking to school with Papa}

{Posing with Coe Cougar, the school mascot}

{Waving goodbye to his friend Brooke as they head into their respective classes}

{Conway rested on the couch after his big brother left for school}

{Enjoying an ice cream treat after school to celebrate this special day}

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