

Monday, September 12, 2016

Monroe Is 3 Months Old

Monroe has reminded me that 2.5 to 3 months old is a wonderful age. He smiles basically any time you look at him and laughs a lot now too. In fact, his first laugh was with/at his Great Grandma Lois at her 90th birthday party. She smiled and said hi to him and out of the blue he burst into giggles. It was beautiful! Parker has figured out that Monroe's armpits are ticklish and he loves making him laugh by tickling him. Conway pretty much seems to think that touching Monroe while making funny sounds will tickle him and make him laugh - Not always too effective, but pretty cute to watch.

His eyes are always so big and bright and alert now. He seems to really love watching everything going on around him...and with too older brothers there is generally a lot going on. Monroe isn't yet reaching out and grabbing things on his own, but he does enjoy laying in his little play gym and looking at the toys hanging above him. He moves a lot and he seems fascinated that the toys start moving every time he bumps them. Monroe has also found his voice recently and he has a lot to say. He babbles at his toys and to us and even to himself it seems. It's quite fun to listen to...until he starts to voice his displeasure. The flip can switch pretty quickly sometimes.

His schedule is even more predictable than it was a month ago, which is really helpful with both Parker and Conway starting school. Here is his current schedule...  

8:00               wake, eat
9:30 - 11:30    sleep then eat
1:00 - 3:00      sleep then eat
4:30 - 6:00      sleep then eat
7:30                jammies, eat, sleep
10:30ish          dream feed, back to bed
And he's still waking on his own sometime between 3:30 and 6:30, eating, and then going back to sleep until 8ish. The one major change in Monroe's sleep is that he is no longer in our room at night. He has been napping in his own room for some time and now he's sleeping in there at night too. Yay!

Some things haven't changed, though. He still looks just like Parker as a baby. He still has lots of adorable baby rolls. And he's still super cute. Yep, he's a keeper!

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