

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Parker Is 5 Years Old!

Parker at 5 Years Old
Height:  43 in (43.9%)
Weight: 40 lb (41.2%)
Parker is 5 years old and he is cuter than ever!! He has perfected the art of pushing buttons and pushing limits. He's trying to find his way and find his own voice and we love this guy more than words. Here's a little more about life in Parker's world. Parker...
  • could spend hours on his own with nothing more than a sandbox and some construction equipment.
  • rides a big boy bike like a professional! He's fast and crazy and prefers going off road and over bumps.
  • still "revs his engine" as he passes people while running or riding his bike/scooter.
  • still loves anything with wheels and loves it even more if it has a siren. He's nothing if not consistent.
  • loves nothing more than a rousing round of chase.
  • no longer takes a nap. We basically took his nap away from him when he and Conway started sharing a room so that he would be tired enough to fall asleep right away. He's definitely exhausted by the end of the day without that nap. Instead he has a "quiet time" where he reads books for about 45 minutes and then plays quietly by himself for about an hour after that.
  • stays in his bed in the morning until the stoplight in his bedroom turns from red to green, which signals that he and Conway can get up. Then Parker climbs down from his bunk bed, turns on the light, and right away gives Conway toys because Conway is still in a crib and can't get them himself.
  • enjoys red peppers and carrots as his preferred vegetables, but he'll actually happily eat most vegetables.
  • loves pickles, sausages dipped in stone ground mustard, pancakes, pizza, mac & cheese, ice cream and basically any dessert. He still does not love cheese on it's own (crazy!) and his love affair with milk has dwindled.
  • is still a  v e r y  s l o w  e a t e r. He's actually very slow and deliberate with everything he does.
  • often says the following  with great enthusiasm when he finds out what we're having for dinner - "Oh!! That's my favorite thing in the whole world!" This has been said about lots of meals and sometimes he backs that up by devouring his food...and sometimes not.
  • will still try everything on his plate and encourages Conway to do the same by singing a favorite Daniel Tiger song which goes, "You gotta try new food cause it might taste good".
  • still says lellow instead of yellow, adovado instead of avocado, and hard boyo'd instead of hard boiled. And I hope he never says them correctly because it's just too cute.
  • LOVES Monroe and often says, "Ohhhh, he's so cuuuuute!"
  • is not so sure about Conway these days. One moment he really enjoys telling and teaching him about things, but it seems like more often than not he just wants to tease Conway and push his buttons. And Conway is very obliging by showing with great dramatics that his buttons have in fact been pushed. AHHHH!!
  • always wants to tell Conway right away when he's really excited about something.
  • lifts up his glasses and twitches his nose when he doesn't understand something or he's trying to figure something out.
  • is a great listener...every now and again.
  • will start kindergarten in September which I have mixed feeling about. I'm really excited for him because I think he's ready and I think he'll really enjoy it. He also seems really young to me sometimes, though, and I can't fathom the fact that he's already going to kindergarten.
Love you Parker!!


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