

Friday, August 12, 2016

Monroe Is 2 Months Old

Monroe's 2 Month Old Stats

Height/Length: 24in (94%)
Weight: 14lb 2oz (91%)
Head Circumference: 39.5cm (72%)

Look at this big guy! Monroe continues to tip the scales and I have two favorite quotes from Dr. Hall at the 2 month check-up. First, when he walked in the room and saw Monroe undressed and laying on the exam table he said, "Well, someone is a good eater." Then, when he laid Monroe down for some tummy time, Monroe lifted up his head and Dr. Hall said, "You do have a neck!" Both of these were said in fun of course and point to the fact that Monroe is a healthy 2 month old. And I for one love his chubby little arms and legs.

 I also enjoy the loads of smiles Monroe has for us these days. Pretty much anytime we smile at him he smiles back. Conway and Parker LOVE that they can make him smile and he seems to love them too. One thing Monroe doesn't love is his car seat, which has made all of our recent road trips interesting. I remember being able to put both Parker and Conway in their car seats at a young age and once they fell asleep they were out for basically the remainder of that nap. Monroe, not so much. Another thing he does love, though, is the Ergo. He pretty much instantly falls asleep in it, so much so that we can't put him in there if we want him to be awake.

Sleeping and eating are definitely becoming more predictable and consistent, which is great for me of course because I'm a planner. Here's what his days currently tend to look like:

7:45/8:00       wake, eat
9:30 - 11:30    sleep then eat
1:00 - 2:30      sleep then eat
4:00 - 5:30      sleep then eat
7:30                jammies, eat, sleep
10:30ish          dream feed, back to bed
Then he wakes on his own sometime between 3:30 and 6:30, eats, and goes back to sleep until 7:45ish. And then it all starts over again. :-)

There are so many reasons to love this little guy. His rolls are adorable. He has such big alert eyes that look at everything around him with such interest. His smiles make my heart skip a beat. And his snuggles really are the best.

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