

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

4th Annual Family Beach Trip: Lincoln City

This year, for our 4th annual Johnson-Totten family beach trip we went to Lincoln City, Oregon. The drive was long, but we had a bunch of fun when we finally made it. The weather was decent this year - lots of sun accompanied by lots of wind - and we all got to enjoy some time together with our feet in the sand. This was Monroe's first trip to the beach of course and although he can't say it, we could all tell that he had a great time. Just like the rest of us, he's anxious for next year's trip so that he can put his own feet in the sand (and probably put some in his mouth too). Stay tuned...

{A touching display made with rocks out on the beach}

{Parker's actual birthday, July 27th, was the day we arrived at the beach. Yes, that is a match in his cupcake because of course I remembered cupcakes, but forgot to pack candles.}

{His birthday present...}

{...A new scooter!!}

{A trip to the fossil museum keeps on giving...when you buy dinosaur fossil kits}

{Movie time and cousin love}

{Movie time and a little less cousin love}

{Found a friend}

{Matt didn't dig a big hole for the kids to climb in this year, but we did come across someone else's hole to play in.}

{David built a fort to block the wind so Monroe could join the guys for drinks out on the patio.}

Until next year...

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