

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

A Very Love Filled Two Weeks

So much action for a two week old! He has had so many people who love him come to say hello. Here are a few more pictures from Monroe's first two weeks.

{Parker shared Brown Dog. It's a big deal.}

{Conway finally warmed up enough to Monroe to give him a kiss, but he was clear that he would not be sharing Teddy}

{Great Grandma Lois}


{Tiffany & Clarke}


{Cousin Samantha}

{Samantha & Conway reading to Monroe :-)}

{Cousin Philip reading to everyone!}

{Brothers resting together}

{Grandma Dianna}

{Aunt Kelly}

{Cousin Anjali}

Monday, June 27, 2016

Monroe Is Two Weeks Old

Monroe's 2 Week Old Stats
Height/Length: 22.3in (98%)
Weight: 9lb 12oz (88%)
Head Circumference: 36cm (54%)

Friday, June 24, 2016

An Overdue Happy Father's Day

My kids are blessed to have a fabulous father, the best really. They call him Papa. I know he is not the only father out there who delights in his kids and genuinely enjoys spending time with them, but he is the one I get to witness everyday and so I can say without a doubt, he's the best.

When I asked Parker what he loves about his Papa, he listed off a number of activities they do together - riding bikes, reading books, getting body slammed, and the most treasured...playing chase, to name a few. He also makes them pancakes for breakfast, lets them kick the ball around in the house, and takes them on the most fun outings. Out of the two of us, he's definitely the fun one. But let there be no mistake. It also takes him less than a second to let them know he means business. Don't mess with that. 

The seemingly boundless energy that got him into trouble as a kid (and who are we kidding - still gets him into trouble sometimes as an adult) is one of his greatest assets as a father. I know I benefit from that energy. He's the first to jump out of bed in the middle of the night when Monroe wakes up to eat. I of course have what the kid wants, but David never fails to get to him first to try soothing him. He doesn't hesitate to tackle Conway's diaper (while tirelessly reminding him that next time he can tell us before he goes in his diaper and then he'll get to use the big boy potty). And he greets Parker's 100th request for a rousing game of chase with a smile every time.

He's their clear favorite, which I could be offended by, but then I remind myself that he's my favorite too. So who can blame them.

Happy Belated Father's Day David. You are the best. And you are our favorite.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Monroe Is One Week Old

Monroe's 3 Day Old Stats
Height/Length: 21.8in ("High" - apparently this means he's off the charts)
Weight: 8lb 12oz (86%)
Head Circumference: 35cm (57%)

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Parker Graduates from Pre-K

{Parker and his teacher, Ms. Eve}

 It's hard to believe, but this guy just graduated from Pre-K and is now officially a Kindergartener. What??!! That's right. Look out Coe Elementary!

{A little song and dance for the parents}