

Friday, May 20, 2016

Reading Buddies

I snuck into the boys' room to snap this shot of Parker reading to Conway. It was one of the best things I've witnessed between the two of them. First of all, I just LOVE that Parker now has this book basically memorized and he's so proud that he can turn through the pages and "read" it almost word for word to whomever is interested (which I always am because seriously, so special). Conway's attention span is a little shorter than mine, though, so I wasn't confident that he would be able to track with Parker for very long. I was wrong though!  Parker read him the whole book and Conway had little comments about it along the way - so they just sat, read, and discussed the book together. They say and do some pretty cute things, but again, this was one of the best things I've witnessed between these two.

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