

Friday, May 6, 2016

Boys Bike Ride

Parker is now basically a professional bike rider and a new favorite activity for the boys is going on a bike ride with Papa. David got a little seat that attaches to the back of his bike for Conway so the three of them head out together and have a great time cruising around Queen Anne.
The above picture was taken as they set out on their first boys bike ride. Unfortunately, although Parker has mastered many of the basic skills required for riding a bike, his awareness of his surroundings continues to be a growth area for him. Which brings us to the below pictures, taken after a pretty nasty crash into the back of David's bike when Parker was distracted by something as he was cruising down the sidewalk. The distraction could have been anything - a car, truck, animal, flowers - who knows. Again, growth area. In the end he was fine and he may just have a little battle scar to show for it. Of course, after he got all cleaned up, David took him right back out again and he did great. The kid loves to ride his bike!!

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