

Monday, March 28, 2016

Happy Easter!

{Easter egg hunt preparation chaos}
{The Easter Bunny was here?!?!}

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

A Belated Happy St. Patrick's Day

No pot o' gold at the end of the rainbow for these two little leprechauns, but the boys still had fun using fruit loops, an exciting new discovery for them, to make their own rainbows (and get a little sugar high). Conway needed a bit of help at the beginning, but then he apparently discovered that he enjoyed picking out the yellow fruit loops and he went to town. Parker of course was very focused, if not because he's a bit of a perfectionist then at least to get to the snacking portion of the activity.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Last Ski Lesson of the Season

Parker had his last ski lesson of the season and all in all it was a success! He learned to position his skis like french fries to go and pizza to stop. He mastered the magic carpet and even made it up on the chair lift a number of times. Even if his focus was lacking on occasion :-) Parker consistently said it was fun and that his favorite part was going fast. And lets face it, having fun was the main goal of this first year's attempt at learning to shred down the mountain. Now, on to a Spring sport...t-ball. Tune in later for pics of the fun/chaos that accompanies 3-6 year olds playing an "organized" team sport.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Baa! Cluck! Oink! Moo! Conway Had a Farm Party to Celebrate Turning Two!

Happy Birthday Conway!
We love you!

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Conway Is Two Years Old!

Conway at 2 Years
Height/Length: 35.3in (64%)
Weight: 28lb 13oz (56%)
Head Circumference: 48cm (30%)
 Yes, Conway is Two Years Old! Is it terrific twos? Or terrible twos? I go back and forth with that on a moment by moment basis. One minute I'm saying, "Seriously, he's just the cutest thing ever!" Which is quickly followed by, "What the *!@# is he doing?! And where did he learn that?!" The answer to that last question is usually Parker, btw. Conway is generally a happy, smiling, laughing kid ... until he's asked to do something he doesn't want to do of course. Then, watch out! :-) He really has turned into such a big boy. Here are some of the memorable moments and quirks that we get to experience with Conway as a two year old.
  • He talks A LOT - like all the time - seriously, he never stops talking!!
  • Favorite things he says: be back, thank you Papa, teamwork
  • Least favorite things he says: no, mine, owee (anytime we try to get him to do anything he doesn't like - it's great in front of strangers who think we're actually hurting him)
  • He calls himself Kanye instead of Conway, which is sort of funny/annoying and he calls Parker "Kaka".
  • Also on the speech front, whenever he tells us something, a simple acknowledgement from us of "okay" or "yes" won't do. We have to repeat what he said back to him...or he just keeps repeating it... over, and over, and over. I've tried continuing to answer with okay in hopes that he will eventually understand that I heard him or at least give up, but alas he is always able to hold his line on this longer than me. Pretty sure this stubbornness of his is going to take even more fun forms down the road.
  • David taught him to sing the ABC song and he can now count to three. When he goes to count objects, though, it goes "one, three, eight", which I kind of love.
  • Favorite food: sausage (and most meat really). He's actually a really good eater. Although he loves fruit and meat the best, he's even into eating most veggies these days.
  • Least favorite food: leafy greens like spinach.
  • He's still taking one nap from about 1pm - 4pm. At night he's asleep by about 8pm, but he has started waking up earlier and earlier in the morning. Currently he's waking sometime between 6:30am and 7am. We're experimenting with waking him up earlier from his nap with the hope that he will instead sleep a little later in the morning. We'll see...
  • He still detests having his body slathered with lotion every night before bed, but this still seems to be doing an okay job of keeping the rashes away.
  • His walking has turned into running and he prefers a sidewinder approach.
  • He seems to be really enjoying Independent Play Time while I make dinner. It's fun to look on the monitor and see him genuinely engrossed in whatever he's chosen to play with on his own in his room.
  • He loves accessories - hats, sunglasses, gloves.
  • He wants to do anything his big brother is doing (for better or worse).
  • He does NOT want his big brother to tell him what to do.
  • His favorite thing in the whole wide world is Teddy, who usually even ranks above Mama and Papa.
  • Oh, and he's seriously cute!

Friday, March 11, 2016

Mid-Winter Break in Chelan

We spent Parker and Conway's mid-winter break in Chelan, which of course meant s'mores, warming ourselves by the fire, bike/scooter rides, hot-tubbin' (combined with snowball eating), and general relaxation. New this time around was a trip to the bowling alley, where Parker and Conway both had a blast.