

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Merry Christmas!

This was the first year we spent Christmas Eve at our own home. Grandma Dianna took the train up, we all went to church, the boys put out cookies and milk for Santa, and we went to sleep our own beds. Then on Christmas morning, after digging into our stockings and opening presents, we all piled into the car and headed down to Camas. This was also the first year that Parker had LOTS of questions and excitement about both Santa and the birth of Jesus so it was an especially fun advent season in our house.
{Teddy and Conway's new lion giving each other hugs}
{A new book from Parker to Conway. Who seems more into it? Ha!}
{The new road rug from Santa was an instant hit}
 {And we arrived in Camas for a healthy dose of what David correctly titled "Cousin Chaos". These six kids (surrounded by even more aunts, uncles, and grandparents) got pretty crazy - wonderful, but crazy}
{Cuddles from Grandma Connie (and Teddy)}

{Sami all glammed up}
{Although he couldn't make it, Uncle Damian sent a big box of presents (appropriately wrapped in ski maps and avalanche newspaper articles!)}

{Philip and Parker trying out the new walkie-talkies from Uncle Damian}
Merry Christmas from our crazy house to yours!

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