

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Parker the Surgery Champ

Parker had surgery a couple weeks ago to repair a hernia that he has probably had since birth. David and I were a little freaked out at the prospect of our little boy being put under and cut into, but Parker was an absolute champ. He loved chatting with the nurses and doctors and when it was finally time to head off to the operating room, Parker and Brown Dog confidently led the way with a whole gaggle of staff trailing behind them. The surgery went great and Parker happily took advantage of everyone's post-operation kindness by devouring two popsicles, two bags of goldfish crackers, and then a milkshake on the way home. Once home, he was delighted to partake in a couple days of movie marathons and cuddling on the couch. Then, four days later he was back at school with barely any soreness. Now, two weeks post surgery, he's as good as new (arguably better since he no longer has a hernia) - back to swim lessons, bike riding, and general Parker craziness. Either the Seattle Children's Hospital Urology staff is amazing or kids are truly resilient, maybe both. Praise the Lord!

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