

Tuesday, November 24, 2015


In honor of our recent stormy weather (without the actual snow, which Parker is REALLY bummed about), the boys thought it was fun to wear their matching #snowday shirts. Getting these two to sit still for a picture is nearly impossible, but they're still pretty cute, right?!

Monday, November 23, 2015

Rainy Day Outing: Seattle Aquarium

Rainy days call for fun indoor outings and we decided to go to the Seattle Aquarium with our friends Shannon, Finn, and Reid on this particularly stormy day. When we got home I asked Parker what his favorite thing at the aquarium was - he said the jelly fish and the octopus. No question those are super cool, but for most of the time we were there he talked about starfish and sharks (he even wore his shark shoes and he got to see a couple of real shark jaws). As usual, Conway was stuck in the stroller for most of the outing, but he did get to join in on touching a sea cucumber and starfish in the tide pool area. All in all, a great escape from the nasty weather.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Playdough Cake

Parker combined two of his current loves - dessert and playdough - and made some playdough layer cakes complete with button sprinkles. Of course Conway couldn't be left out so we made some together as well.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Family Trip to Maison Rouge

We decided to go to Chelan for the weekend and we were thrilled that Sarah, Philip, and Samantha were able to join us! It was cold, but we were still able to get outside for plenty of playtime. Philip is basically obsessed with football right now so in addition to watching a bit of football on TV, David was happy to indulge him with lots of football outside. Parker insisted that he wanted to play too, but when it came down to it he was more interested in throwing and chasing hula-hoops around the field. :-)



Monday, November 2, 2015

Happy Halloween!

 {Mama baker with her milk and chocolate chip cookie}
{Father-son fun at Little Red Wagon Preschool's pumpkin carving night}

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Chelan in Sunny October

{A house divided} 
{Gearing up for the football game. Go Cougs!}
{The inaugural dip in Maison Rouge's new hot tub}
{Little boys looking to make a break for it}

{Smores! Yum!}

{Chelan in sunny October}

{Chelan livin' is good}