

Saturday, September 26, 2015

First Day of School - 2015!

Parker had his first day of PreK at Little Red Wagon Preschool with Ms. Eve and Ms. Carrington. In case you can't read the sign he's holding, he said his favorite food is bell peppers and cupcakes (I'm assuming eaten separately) and that when he grows up he wants to deliver flowers to people. Where does he come up with this delightful stuff?! 
Conway also started his first school experience at Lily Pad Preschool for a couple of hours two mornings a week. He isn't holding a sign because he can't yet form full sentences in order to answer the questions on it and all he really wants to do with paper is rip it up and crumple it. Good luck Ms. Kippy and Ms. Sandra!
{Greeting Finn with a hug upon arriving at school}

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Moclips, WA

For our 3rd Annual Johnson-Totten beach trip we tried out yet another new location. Our first trip in October of 2013 was to Long Beach on the Washington Coast and we were surprised by how nice the weather was. Last year, 2014, we went to Rockaway on the Oregon Coast and again we were shocked to have such gorgeous weather in October. This year we went to Moclips on the Washington Coast and we decided to go in August since Philip would be in Kindergarten (What?!) in the fall. Can you tell where this is going? It was pretty warm and we did have enough nice weather to get out to the beach for lots of fun, but we had a substantial amount of rain and wind, more than in the previous years when we went in October. Oh well. There was still plenty of digging and building in the sand (and the requisite hole for the kids to climb into), running and jumping in the water, walks and seashell collecting, cuddles and craziness inside, and hot tub shenanigans.








Sunday, September 20, 2015

Conway is Eighteen Months Old!

Conway at 18 Months
Height/Length: 34.0in (91%)
Weight: 23lb 12oz (42%)
Head Circumference: 47.5cm (52%)
That's right! Conway is one and a half! 
Conway has lots of personality and he's very expressive. His facial expressions can pretty much tell the story on their own, but he also tends to add in some vocal flair. Whether he's happy, sad, angry, tired - he won't keep you guessing as to how he's feeling. The reason behind those erupting emotions can be a bit of a mystery, though, as his vocal flair isn't often all that intelligible.
He does however have a number of words in his growing vocabulary. So far he says some version of Papa, Mama, more, please, thank you, hello, bye-bye, shoe, foot, nose, teeth, eye, cheers, amen, dear Jesus (as he folds his hands together), ball, dog, water, milk, something resembling Parker (Is it Perper?), and a very coherent no - potentially a really annoying word for a kid to learn early on, but when Conway says it he's usually saying no to himself using a cute little sing-song voice. When he wants to say no to others he just vehemently shakes his head. He also loves making animal noises, but if you ask him, most animals say "roar".
Not surprisingly Conway is pretty opinionated about food, more so than I remember Parker being until he was about 3.5. He definitely doesn't like to be served food that looks different than the rest of ours. For example, if we're having soft tacos I use to give him a deconstructed version to make it easier for him to eat, but that didn't fly. He wants to pick up the rolled up soft taco and take a big bite just like the rest of us. Also, I'm amazed at how well he can use a spoon and fork. Many vegetables are not his favorite - with the exception of tomatoes and avocados, which he could potentially eat his body weight in. He will at least usually try everything, though.
This kid loves to sleep. He's down to one nap now (generally 12:30 - 4:00/4:30). He's usually asleep by 7:45pm and awake at about 7:15am. Conway currently wears a size XL sleep sack to bed (What?! How is this little guy an XL?!) and he sleeps with a teddy bear that looks a lot like Parker's beloved Brown Dog. It doesn't have a name yet so we refer to it fondly as... Teddy Bear. Conway LOVES both his sleep sack and his teddy bear. When he's tired or if he's upset, he will go into his room and either carry them around with him or just lay down on top of them on the floor of his room.

We took a bit of a break from independent play time because we were traveling so much over the summer, but we picked it back up a couple weeks ago. Just before I start making dinner I take Conway into his room and pick out a few toys, which we play with together for a couple minutes, and then I leave. Usually he whines for a couple seconds and then goes back to playing or looking at books. Every once in a while when I look at him on the video monitor I'll see him laying on the floor with his sleep sack and teddy bear, which as I mentioned before is a sign that he's tired or wants some soothing, but most of the time he plays happily. Parker does independent play time at about 5:45pm while I'm making dinner as well so making dinner has once again become an activity I really enjoy, now that I don't have children whining and pulling on me.

I look at these pictures of this guy and I just can't believe he's our baby. Conway officially looks and sounds like a little boy. For the millionth time, my how time flies!



Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Goodbye Olive

This blog is usually filled with all the happy, fun, and sometimes crazy things going on in our lives, but it feels wrong not to pay tribute to our beloved little Beagle, Olive, who recently lost her fight against cancer.  We pray that heaven is filled with an endless supply of belly rubs, squirrels to chase, tennis balls to chew, blankets to nurse on, mailmen to bark at, popcorn to eat, and all the love our sweet little Olive deserves.
Olive the Beagle 
11/5/2002 - 8/24/2015

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Buerkle Family Reunion

{Grandma Lee's kids, grandkids, and great grandkids}
David's parents hosted a Buerkle Family Reunion at their house in Camas so of course we drove down to catch up with his extended family and even meet some for the first time. David's Grandma Leona (Lee) had 11 siblings and from those 12 kids there are 39 first cousins, including David's mom, Dianna. Every one of those 39 first cousins is a grandparent and/or great grandparent now! Not everyone made it to the reunion of course and I only have pictures of our family, but I think it was a really nice turnout.
  It's always great to see David's family and of course Parker and Conway love any chance they get to play at their grandparents house. In addition to running around the yard like crazy people, the boys got to feed apples to the horses with cousin Anjali and play golf on Grandpa Terry's putting green.