

Sunday, August 23, 2015

We're Going On A Bear Hunt

For a year now Parker has been obsessed with the bear he saw in Whistler last year while on a jog with David. So of course when we arrived in Whistler this year he had approximately a thousand questions about where the bear was and when we could go see it. To Parker's dismay, we had no bear sightings this year... except for the bear statues in the village. His other obsession on this trip was riding his balance bike at the bike park. I thought he would be too young to take advantage of it, but he did amazing! He was fearless and I'm both really excited and really scared to see what he'll be able to do when he starts riding a bike with pedals. Check out this Youtube link for a video of Parker at the bike/skate park. Conway still loves putting his bike helmet on and pushing Parker's bike and scooter around, but he's yet to actually ride. Besides bear hunts and bike rides, this trip was filled with hot tubbing, water slides, playground fun, walks through the village, fire truck sightings, golf for the dads, spa relaxation for the moms, and naps for everyone. Another successful trip to Whistler with the Hueys and MacDonalds.


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