Another week long summer Chelan trip is in the books. Last summer we came at the beginning of September and the whole area was infested with fruit flies due to crush season. This year we decided to come a bit earlier in the summer to avoid the fruit flies and relax (read - chase four little boys and a dog around) in the warm sun. We all had a great time, but it was definitely a trip, not a vacation. (Check out this or this funny and on-point article, detailing the differences between a trip and a vacation, if you'd like.) The week was filled with fun activities and it was definitely a trip worth taking. Keep reading for the details.
A Visit To Our Old Stomping Ground: Wapato Point
Thanks Tony and Lisa for letting us crash your beach!
{Reid is undeniably adorable...}
{...but this water lovers sole mission was to crawl out into the middle of the lake}
{Watch out duck}
{Conway's coming for ya}
Pool Time
One of the best parts of The Lookout when we have small children in tow is the large shallow area. Parker and Finn spent tons of time rolling around, splashing, and "swimming" in this one foot deep zone. Parker has historically been pretty timid in the water and has even been caution about getting in this very shallow area. This year he became a lover of the pool (thanks Safe n' Sound swim lessons!). He even figured out that he could paddle himself through the water without assistance when he had his swim vest on. Conway appears to be taking after his big brother and really just tolerates being in the water. The Johnson boys on the other hand are basically fish. They would love nothing more than to be totally submerged in the water. The Johnsons also brought their inflatable pool, which was nice for when we just wanted to hang out on our own patio and have the kids occupied and semi-contained.
Parker Turns 4!
Parker's fourth birthday wishes were pretty simple and easy to deliver on. Puzzles from the Johnson's? Check. Yet another toy vehicle from us? Check. A cupcake with frosting and sprinkles? Check. Happy Birthday Parker!
General Fun Around The Lookout
The kids rode scooters and bikes, played at the playground and in the field, and had endless fun watching the construction going on at future home sites around The Lookout. Parker and Finn also did tons of puzzles...usually not together, though. A favorite phrase in the house this week? "By myself!" Seriously, these boys!
{Measuring Parker against the loader's wheels}
Outings To Keep The Kids Busy
Lars had the great idea this year to keep the kids busy with planned activities and outings. What's the saying? Idle hands are the devils workshop? Okay, so that might be exaggerating the trouble these boys get into just a little bit, but they really can become naughty very quickly. So this year they were lucky enough to enjoy the waterslides, mini golf, and go-carts!
{Hold your breath}

Boating: Day 1
We rented boats on two different days this year. First, a ski boat, which came equipped with an inner tube. Parker and Finn went for rides on the inner tube with their dads and we all got to bask in the sun a bit (or fall asleep if your name is Conway).
Boating: Day 2
The Soligons joined us for our second day of boating, this time on a pontoon boat. Parker even got to take a ride on the Soligon's EZ Ski! Watching him stand up on that thing had to be the highlight of the trip for me. How is Parker growing up so fast??
{Parker getting settled on the EZ Ski}
{And he's up!!}

{Longing to jump in like the big boys?}
Adult Time
Obviously we love our children, but time spent without them is pretty divine as well. We were able to savor a few of such experiences on this trip.
{A delicious dinner on my birthday after the kids were tucked into bed. Thanks Shannon!}
{A girls lunch out at Vin du Lac Winery}
{Evening drinks on the porch}
The Annual Crazy Kid Lineup As We Depart
Conway - 17 months, Parker - 4 years, Finn - 3 years, Reid - 13 months
Until Next Time Maison Rouge...
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