

Monday, June 15, 2015

Boys Long Weekend at Home!

Guest blogger here, and I'm a bit delayed in this blog post....BUT, Treva made a break out of town a month or so ago, and left me and the boys home alone for a few days.  I got to work a half-day Thursday then goof off (aka, "Parent") for a solid three days until Treva returned on Sunday night!  Below is a timeline, in pictures, of the fun we had!

Breakfast, Day 1 - Parker is either saying hi and waving to Mama, or showing me how high he can reach before throwing some food at his little brother. 
This is Conway eating something he found on floor.  It may have been a blueberry.  Potentially an ice cube.  Potentially a toe nail from the dog.  I don't really know. 
Conway finally realized that Mama wasn't coming home for a while.  This, was a bummer in his mind, apparently.

Playground run, the first of many - Parker squints like that so the federal Big Brothers can't eyescan him at any point in time when they're illegally tapping into our picture libraries.  The Man is EVERYWHERE.  I taught him this.

Nickerson Street Saloon for dinner - I brought the placemat, but Nickerson brought the nutritional substance that we all just chowed down on.  In fact, Parker had to order two separate plates of food - he was both extremely hungry, and he also did a nice job sharing some with his baby brother! 

Conway can drink like a Big Boy now.  As long as you hold the cup there for a while.  He's getting so BIG, hardly cries or whines at all these days, he's just such a happy baby!

Okay, well sometimes, he still rages - this is when the waitress told Parker that they were all out of Mini Corn Dog bites, which Conway now believes is an official food group.  Besides Conway's sheer disgust for improper inventory control, I just love Parker's expression here.  He's baffled.  He's alarmed that a place as holy as Nickerson could run out of Corn Dog bites.  He's legitimately confused with our waitress right now.  This was the first Apocalyptic Moment of his life - he believes the end is now coming shortly...

Day 4 - after some general cleansing activities for hygiene with Mama coming back into town, we did what Tottens do - Underwear Dance Party.  Both the boys love music - and music sounds better if you're in your underwear, it's been scientifically proven.

I'm not actually sure what this is, but when I asked Parker, he said, "Flying Squirrel - like Lil' Wayne."  I do not have any idea what that means.

Conway is equally confused - but he kind of thought this was fun.

Every good underwear dance party session starts and ends with a prayer for good rhythm and (for me), no injury.

Hard to wake him up, even go to see Mama - Dance Parties and Corn Dogs take the best out of our energy

Finally, made it to the airport to meet Mama - who had her flight delayed, which then meant we got to climb and play on about 45 chairs while we waited, so that was fun.

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