

Friday, May 15, 2015

Conway Is Walking!!

Okay, so this post is LONG overdue. Conway was trying to walk before he turned one and then finally strung together a series of actual steps the day before he turned 13 months. I'm convinced he would have done that a lot sooner if he didn't have someone constantly knocking him over (ahem Parker). None the less, at 14 months he is now a walking - and dare I say borderline running - machine. He still looks a bit intoxicated as he saunters around and Parker continues to "work on" being gentle and not knock him down, but he's all about walking now. Really, he's all about getting to where he wants, when he wants, how he wants. Conway is motivated and persistent, in the most wonderful and the most painful (for me) ways.

And here's a link to a short video of this crazy walker from a while back if you're interested: 

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