

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Camas Trip Part 4: A Zoo Outing

Besides lots of playtime around the Johnson house, the last stop on our Camas trip was a fieldtrip to the Oregon Zoo. Parker loves going to the Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle and although he can tell you which animals are his favorites there, in the end he still seems to get most excited about the "fountains", which are actually waterfalls. Well, he didn't disappoint at the Oregon Zoo. "Look Mama! A water fountain!" "Yes, Parker, but do you see the bobcat next to the waterfall?" So imagine how exciting it is when animals are actually playing in the water like this Polar Bear.
A wonderful zoo. A fantastic experience. A perfect way to finish our trip to Camas.

Such a great time! Conway and Parker LOVE their cousins (and their aunt and uncle) :-)
We were sad to leave, so one last story from Uncle Matt.

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