

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Camas Trip Part 1: Grandma Dianna and Grandpa Terry's House

We started out Parker's Spring break with a trip to Camas. First Stop - Grandma Dianna and Grandpa Terry's house. Both boys (finally!) fell asleep for part of the ride down and then got to partake in some pretty fun activities. 
Conway has a new love for big kid chairs. It's actually kind of a love/hate relationship because it's a struggle for him to get into the chair and then as soon as he's seated he wants back out - and the whole thing starts all over again. This time, though, the chair happened to be right in front of the TV so once he was sitting he had a perfect view of The Masters. He and his father were both rooting for a big Tiger comeback. Oh well.
Parker got to drive Grandpa Terry's lawn mower! His focus was still on watching the wheels turn rather than on steering, but David was there to assist. He insists that it's called a tractor, not a lawn mower, but either way it doesn't get much better than this for Parker.
Parker also got to visit the neighboring cows, llamas, and horses with Grandpa Terry. They even got to see a baby cow just hours after it was born!

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