

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Spring Break at Maison Rouge

The last bit of Parker's Spring Break was spent at Maison Rouge with the Seattle Johnsons. Chelan was kind to us and we were greeted by gorgeous warm and sunny weather. Unfortunately the pool doesn't open until May 1st, but the usual list of other fun activities kept us busy. We were also there for the "Barge Party" to celebrate the construction of the marina being under way (hence the kids' hard hats) so we're looking forward to some fun down by the lake when we return this summer. Conway is now fully walking (a separate post focusing on that exciting milestone soon) and Reid is crawling so we had four little mobile boys - Pure Craziness! And this is obviously just the beginning. :-)

Parker's first taste of Nutella - Thanks Lars!
{photo credit: Parker :-)}
Maison Rouge now has its own set of cornhole boards! Thanks Soligans! They're basically an ode to Apple Cup (one WSU board and one UW board) because in case you didn't know, Maison Rouge is a divided house. We don't let this rivalry get in the way of our friendship with the Johnsons, but Conway has obviously chosen correctly.
Go Cougs!
The obligatory shot of the boys napping on the ride home.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Friday, April 24, 2015

Parker's Swim Lessons

Parker has started taking swim lessons at Safe N Sound Swimming. So for 15 minutes once a week he gets in the pool one on one with a teacher. He has historically been pretty apprehensive about getting into water and clings very tightly to whomever is holding him. The lessons have gone well so far, though. He's still a little hesitant when it's time to get in with his teacher, but this last time he was even willing to put goggles on. He's also very proud of himself for putting his face in the water.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Camas Trip Part 4: A Zoo Outing

Besides lots of playtime around the Johnson house, the last stop on our Camas trip was a fieldtrip to the Oregon Zoo. Parker loves going to the Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle and although he can tell you which animals are his favorites there, in the end he still seems to get most excited about the "fountains", which are actually waterfalls. Well, he didn't disappoint at the Oregon Zoo. "Look Mama! A water fountain!" "Yes, Parker, but do you see the bobcat next to the waterfall?" So imagine how exciting it is when animals are actually playing in the water like this Polar Bear.
A wonderful zoo. A fantastic experience. A perfect way to finish our trip to Camas.

Such a great time! Conway and Parker LOVE their cousins (and their aunt and uncle) :-)
We were sad to leave, so one last story from Uncle Matt.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Camas Trip Part 3: Grandma Connie and Grandpa Bob's House

While most trips to Camas involve some amount of time playing with cousins, this was extra special because we spent an entire sunny day outside at Grandma Connie's house. Sarah and I got to sit and chat with our mom and grandma while the kids basically had the time of their lives. They jumped on the trampoline (with marginal safety), checked out all the animals in the barns, tromped around in the field, pretended to drive the tractor, made forts in the bushes and trees, and rode scooters. It was really wonderful to see them happily playing with each other outside. Parker and Samantha in particular had loads of fun just being silly together. I think this was the first time these two had this much fun together and at times seemed to be in their own little 3 year old world. The activity that they went back to over and over again - watching the pigeons and laughing at them hysterically. I'm not sure what those birds were doing, but apparently Grandpa Bob raises some very comedic pigeons.

Conway: "Wait guys - I don't want to be left out of the fun!"
Looks like they decided to try out each others scooters...
...and then back to their own. :-)