

Thursday, March 26, 2015


A favorite pastime in our house is race/chase. This is not a new phenomenon, but Conway is now fully getting in on the action. He loves pushing his walker, but recently he and Parker have been trading vehicles. I won't go into specifics on what the negotiations look like, but lets just say that sometimes is goes smoothly and sometimes, well, not so much. None the less, these boys love to race/chase each other and the ensuing giggles are pretty fun to listen to.
And yes, they definitely have their fair share of crashes, which usually look like this... with Conway on the ground. Parker is remarkably precise at steering so when he runs into something or someone and quickly says "Oh - Sorry" (actually, he still pronounces it "shorry"), it was 99.9% on purpose. Parker better watch out, though, because Conway has started sticking up for himself. More about how that plays out in a later post. It's a good thing he's cute, people, because this kid is loaded with attitude.

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