

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Conway is Twelve Months Old!

12 Months
1 Month

Conway at 12 Months
Height/Length: 31.5in (96%)
Weight: 22lb 2oz (63%)
Head Circumference: 46.4cm (59%)

We made it! With both excitement and sadness we can now say that Conway is one year old. His last official month as a baby was filled with both wonderful developments and frustrating difficulties.

The difficulty lies mostly in his sleep. All in all Conway is still a great sleeper so I probably shouldn't complain, but regression is hard to accept. He continues to babble and moan for a few minutes a few times during the night, which is kind of annoying, but the real frustration is that he's waking up earlier and earlier in the morning. I'm not sure if it's because we're putting him to bed too early at night or because he's still taking two daytime naps. He's barely hanging on to two separate naps (10:30-11:30 and 2:30 - 4:30). I think he would combine these naps into one long nap if we could start that at about 11:30 or 12:00, but we pick Parker up from preschool at 12:30. So when Conway transitions to one nap, it can't start until 12:45 and he just can't make it that long yet. Until then we'll just have to stumble through with two naps and maybe a later bedtime?
While Conway isn't yet walking, he's crazy about pushing his walker around the house. He and Parker LOVE chasing each other back and forth across the house. And I can't get enough of their giggles as they do this. Conway is definitely getting more and more stable on his feet. He can stand in one spot on his own, but we're still waiting for those first unassisted steps. He's also waving (taught to him by Grandma Dianna) and clapping (taught to him by Parker) and he copies everything Parker does (including some less desirable behaviors at the table).

Conway is talking up a storm, but it's all basically unintelligible babbling. It's pretty fun to have a "conversation" with him, though, as he appears to think he's really conversing. His inability to verbalize makes him seem like he's still a baby and not understanding much, until we say "Go get your doggie and give it a hug"... and he does it!
He's still eating like a champ with a pretty even split between pureed food and finger food. Conway loves to feed himself, but we can still spoon the pureed food in much faster. Another giant milestone, I've started to wean him from breast milk to whole milk. I have mixed emotions about this because I think for me the completion of that weaning process will really signify that he is no longer a baby and has in fact passed into toddlerhood. Again, both excitement and sadness.   
Now, if only we could get this adorable little kid to sit and smile for a picture... or at least look at the camera! 

Parker at 12 Months
Height/Length: 29.5in (75%)
Weight: 20lb 7oz (50%)
Head Circumference: 45cm (25%)

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