

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Eggs! Yum!

This wasn't Conway's first taste of scrambled eggs, but it definitely was his favorite. Last time he tolerated them. This time he couldn't get enough. By the time he was done he had eaten at least one, maybe two whole eggs. Of course it helps that in our house we call them cheesy eggs - for obvious reasons. Yum!

Monday, January 19, 2015

Sick Little Boy

Conway recently spent a few days in this basic position with a temperature hovering around 103 degrees. It was really sad to see him in this sorry state, but the cuddles were pretty nice. Poor little guy.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Conway, will you please come in my room?

 I wish I could have taken this without Parker and Conway noticing. The flash made them turn and look at me, but what I really wanted to capture was how cute they were playing together. Parker still decided which dinosaur Conway got to play with, but he was doing it in such a sweet way. Parker frequently asks Conway to come with him and play in his room. Conway frequently ignores the request, but we're getting there.

Friday, January 16, 2015


I wish I had video of this because still pictures don't even come close to capturing it. While it's cute to see how proud of himself Conway is for climbing under this chair, the really funny part was when he was halfway in with his belly hung up on the bar. It was digging into his belly in just the right way to make it tickle. So each time he climbed in and out he would get hung up and laugh historically. He's figured out how to tickle himself!

Monday, January 5, 2015

Happy New Year from Seabrook


This was our first trip to Seabrook, WA and we had a great time. It was really cold, but it stayed dry until our last day. Finn and Parker had everything their little hearts could desire: the beach, an indoor pool and hot tub, a playground, a field for running around and kicking balls, a tree house, and lots of toys, books, and games from home for after the sun went down. The rest of us had fun too, but Finn and Parker were pretty lucky as the daily activities basically revolved around helping them expel energy, a necessity with these two. My prediction is that next time our families take a trip together Conway and Reid will be active and full of energy too. Boy do we have our work cut out for us!

 Saying goodbye to 2014 with good friends and Christmas jammies

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Conway is Ten Months Old

This kid is CRAZY! I mean that in the best possible way, but he is interested in everything, he has a definite opinion, and he isn't afraid to make that opinion known. It is also very obvious when he knows he's doing something he shouldn't. It looks something like this: He sees the door to the bathroom is open, he giggles, starts crawling toward it, half way there stops to look back at me and smile, then takes off toward it again as fast as he can, giggling the whole way. Seriously...CRAZY TROUBLE... and at the same time so funny! I know I shouldn't encourage him, but how do I not laugh at him when he does this?
Conway is also cruising along anything and everything that he can pull himself up on now. I think walking on his own is still a ways away, but he's getting closer. Basically he's constantly moving, into everything, and loving it. The look on his face is very often either pure happiness or pride - he is so proud of everything he can do.
He's still eating well and it probably should be no surprise that he's very into feeding himself. So he gets some sort of finger food at every meal in addition to the puréed foods that we spoon into his mouth while he's reaching for his next tiny morsel - cheese, peas, Cheerios, whole wheat bagel, oatmeal pumpkin muffins or anything else we're having that can be made into the right size and consistency for him to pick up and safely eat. While it's difficult for me to tell how much he's consuming while breastfeeding, I think he's slowly starting to wean himself, eating more solid foods and less milk. Obviously this was/is bound to happen, but it's just another reminder that my baby in turning into a little boy.
Conway's schedule hasn't changed and he's still sleeping well. His skin is also doing really well and for the most part all it needs is CeraVe a couple times a day to keep the rashes away. Every once in a while a rash flares up and we pull out the prescription ointment, but that has happened less often lately.
This crazy, smiley, constantly busy, willful little boy is so much fun... and did I mention trouble!
Parker at 10 Months