

Monday, December 15, 2014

Thanksgiving '14

We had a lot of fun visiting family and eating way too much on Thanksgiving. Over the course of the long weekend we got to see lots of family at Grandma Dianna and Grandpa Terry's house and at Grandma Connie and Grandpa Bob's house. Food, grandparents, aunts, uncles, great aunts, great grandma, cousins, farm animals, golf - so much to be thankful for.
The boys got some good love from Great Aunt Betty.
Hard to tell who's having more fun in this picture.
Great Aunt Sue is a trained professional in the art of baby holding.
Cousin Anjali stopped playing with Parker for long enough to sneak in a smile for her uncle Dave...okay now back to playing.
I think this is intended to resemble the game of golf.
Apparently Anjali has declared herself the winner.
And over at the Jackson-Dean house Conway got to meet his cousin Lucian. Believe it or not, Conway is actually 2 months older than Lucian.
 Lucian left before we could get all the kids lined up on the couch for a picture, but these four are pretty cute.
Parker and Great Grandma Lois enjoyed some quiet reading time.
 Conway LOVES his cousin Philip. We saw this face a lot over the weekend thanks to Philip.
  Parker had so much fun with Grandma Connie. I thought he would love the horses, but the cats in the barn were far more exciting. Bonus: he got to wear his boots and stomp in the mud.
We celebrated Philip's 5th birthday while we were in Camas. What!? Philip is 5 years old?!
 These two just couldn't get enough of each other.
 Parker enjoyed jamming on Uncle Matt's guitar.
 Conway + Grandma Connie = Love

 Happy Thanksgiving! Happy Birthday Philip!

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