

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Happy Halloween!

Parker seemed to understand a bit more about what was going on for Halloween this year... and by understand I mean he actually wanted to eat the candy. Unfortunately, gone are the days when he's oblivious to all those treats people put in his pumpkin bucket. Last year he didn't even know what candy was so he just wanted to take the candy out of his bucket and fill it with his cars. This year was a whole different story, though. 
We also tried to get him involved in choosing his costume this year. Anytime he was asked what he wanted to be for Halloween he said something like, "a cat and a dog and a flamingo and a shark and a whale and a pirate ship". So Parker was a shark and Conway insisted on being a Tiger.
Parker and David cleaned out one of the pumpkins we procured at the pumpkin patch and brought it to "Dad's Pumpkin Carving Night" at Parker's preschool.

Parker's preschool also had a Halloween Sing-a-long. Parker did a good job of not being disruptive on stage during the singing, but for someone who is constantly singing around the house he didn't do a whole lot of participating.
The Queen Anne Avenue shops all open their doors for trick-or-treaters in the afternoon on Halloween and we got in on the action for the first time this year. Parker got to walk the Ave with his friend Finn and we knew it was time to go home when Parker's bucket had so much candy in it that he started complaining about it being too heavy.
Then we headed over to the Verhasselt's house for more trick-or-treating, time with friends, and pizza. All in all, a successful Halloween. Now, how to get the candy away from Parker so he doesn't eat the ridiculous amount of treats he collected.

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