

Monday, September 8, 2014


For some reason, it always sounds like such a great idea to turn David's work trips into family vacations by tagging along and extending them by a few days, especially when he goes somewhere interesting. We tend to forget, though, that with children in tow this isn't actually a vacation. We did it again on David's recent trip to New York City. With that said, both kids did wonderfully on the flights there and back. The added bonus to this trip was that Grandma Connie came with us; part nanny, part fun Grandma, part good times for her because she had never been to NYC before! We spent a lot of time in Times Square because that's where our hotel was, but our ventures to the other neighborhoods were even better. David and I had great intentions of taking advantage of our nanny/Grandma in the evening so that we could go out for dinner and a show, but who are we kidding? Following some sleepless nights because of Conway (grrrr!) and the exhaustion that follows carrying strollers up and down flights of subway stairs, all we/I wanted to do after the kids were in bed was put my sweats on, pore a big glass of wine, and put my feet up. David and I did, however, sneak out during naptime one day for drinks and pickled snacks in the Meatpacking District. Ahhhhh.... Highlights: Central Park Zoo, Central Park playgrounds and climbing on the rocks, walking around Greenwich and SOHO, taking the subway, hundreds of taxi cabs! Lowlights: Conway's sleep...that's all.
Conway was so happy that his Mama sat in the back seat on the way to the airport that he even reached out to hold hands. :-)

Parker was very excited about the prospect of getting on an airplane. It turned out to be even more fun to simply stand in the airport and look at the airplanes... while wearing what he calls his "Go Cougs Backpack".
Both Parker and Conway did really well on both flights. Parker had more screen time than he has had in his entire life and Conway spent most of the flights passed out in the Ergo. Good times for everyone. 
Connie got stuck with most of our luggage on the train ride from the airport to downtown.
Times Square!
Sunset view from our hotel room in Times Square.
Connie loved what she is sure is a little green house on top of the building next to our hotel.
Breakfast with Grandma as we start our first day in NYC
We rode the subway a lot, which meant carrying the kids up and down lots of stairs in their strollers. Everyone seems to be enjoying themselves so far.
Parker enjoys pushing the stroller more than riding in it. Here he is killing some time while we wait for our ferry to see...
The Statue of Liberty!

Parker loves all thing that go and "lellow" taxi cabs are no exception. Here he is pointing them out again. Please picture the number of taxi cabs in Manhattan and then you'll know how many times we heard, "It's a lellow taxi cab!" By the end of the trip he started saying, "There's a hundred lellow taxi cabs!" instead of calling them all out individually, which we appreciated.
St. Patrick's Cathedral (with a lot of lellow taxi cabs in front of it). St. Patrick's is under construction and after Connie attended mass she struck up a conversation with one of the construction workers who gave her a small piece of the original marble. Amazing!
Snack in Central Park
Parker loved climbing on the rocks in Central Park.

Parker (and David) had a heyday with all the Central Park playgrounds.

We set up a little sleep tent contraption on Conway's stroller during naptime. Here he is waking up. :-)

And sometimes you just want to sleep with your leg out. Conway takes after his Mama.

Parker ate a number of meals at the desk in our hotel room. While he sure enjoyed the swivel desk chair, it definitely wouldn't be my first choice for him in the future. Part chair, part ride. Yikes!

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