

Monday, August 25, 2014

Summertime Sprinkler

Sometimes it gets so hot that the water table just won't do for cooling off. Days like these call for a good run through (or stand in) the sprinkler.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Papa's Home!!

When David comes home from a trip, the boys can't get enough of him and he basically becomes a jungle gym. I don't think he minds, though.


Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Parker's First Professional Haircut

Parker went with David and got his first professional haircut! I wasn't there, but apparently Parker calmly sat there for the whole thing. He doesn't look like he's totally loving it, but he did enjoy a trip to the playground afterwards.



Monday, August 11, 2014

Whistler 2014

Another Whistler trip with the Hueys is in the books. Unfortunately Clarke didn't make it into the cover shot (it's hard getting four little boys on the couch at the same time!), but you'll see him and lots of photo documentation of the major activities below. Besides Conway not sleeping great during the trip and Parker getting sick in the car on the way there, it was a great trip. Also notable: Parker, Roark, and Clarke slept in the same room! This isn't all that notable for the Hueys because their boys have done this lots of times, but for Parker this was a big deal... and he did great! Parker slept in his sleeping tent (not pictured, but an amazing contraption), Clarke in his Pack n' Play, and Roark in the super fun bunk beds!
Seriously boys, what is it about those fingers that taste so good?!

The jumper - a questionable item to pack when you're short on space, but so very helpful. Conway loved jumping in it only slightly more than the others enjoyed watching him jump.

Snuggling on the couch and reading books together is pretty much always a great time, but Parker especially enjoyed telling Clarke what all the pictures were, whether he needed the explanation or not.

People watching while waiting for our food to arrive - fun for David and Parker.

The Splash Park!! No further explanation needed.

Riding bikes...

...and scooters.

We all met up for dinner at the course restaurant after the guys' round of golf. There was running/jumping/rolling around on the practice green while we waited for our food and... 

watching seaplanes come in.
What do you do when you see a giant puddle?

Run through it of course!

Not actually sure what's happening here, but I'm pretty sure it involves singing and dancing.

Look closely for what David and Parker saw on their run.

Yep, that's a bear and apparently Parker was the first to spot it.

And the cursory 'tuckered out for the drive home' picture. 
See you next year, Whistler.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Big Boys Sit at the Table

Seriously, how is this kid getting so big so fast?! And how is his hair getting even bigger? He isn't eating real food yet, but that isn't going to stop Conway from sitting at the table with the rest of us.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Parker's 3rd Birthday Party

Parker had a car/truck/vehicle themed 3rd birthday party and the lucky guy was surrounded by family and friends. He and his friends played games, raced cars around, got crazy with the water table, and Parker even got to eat a giant cupcake. These pictures make everything look pretty tame, but trust me, Parker and his friends are CRAZY!
Credit for the photos goes to Sarah and Shannon. Thanks ladies! 






When the party's over, what's left to do but sit on the steps and watch the cars go by.