

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Conway is Five Months Old

Conway at 5 Months
No doctor appointment this month so we don't have the official height/weight stats. This kid's getting big, though. His neck and back are so much stronger and he's able to move so much more. This strength and all this movement has actually contributed to this month being a pretty difficult one. We finally gave up the swaddle basically out of necessity because he was breaking out of it and it became ridiculous to keep re-swaddling him during the night. It was a tough transition for him, though, which means it was tough for us too. Conway also started rolling over onto his belly so it wasn't really safe for him to be swaddled. He's now sleeping in a sleep sack with sleeves and little cuffs that go over his hands so I think it still makes him feel kind of cocooned like when he was swaddled. It took us basically all month to get here, but he's finally sleeping well again.
Another development on the sleep front, after his dream feed at about 10:30pm he was sleeping until about 6:00am, nursing, and then going back to sleep until about 8:00am. This was fine, but then he wasn't really hungry at 8:00am so I decided he probably didn't need that 6:00am feed. About a week ago I started basically just giving him some extra time to work it out when he woke in the early morning and...he did go back to sleep fairly quickly. I was also afraid to do this because his room is right next to Parker's and I definitely don't want him waking up Parker. Apparently Parker is a sound sleeper because it hasn't woke him up even once. Conway is still rolling around and whining a little bit at some point in the early morning, but he's going back to sleep on his own and sleeping until about 8:00am. YAY! Dare I say it? Conway is sleeping through the night!
While sleep was a big development this month, it's also very exciting that he's rolling over! He first rolled from his back to belly and consistently does that like a champ. For the first couple weeks of this he just got upset about being on his belly and couldn't get back to his back. He still gets upset about being on his belly eventually, but it takes a lot longer for that frustration to build. He's also able to roll from his belly onto his back now, but he isn't great at it yet and I think when he gets frustrated  he actually forgets that he can roll back over. 
This kid kicks, rolls, and moves constantly. He grabs everything within reach and puts it in his mouth, including his toes. Conway also smiles and giggles so much. He/we had a big rough patch there because of the troubles sleeping and he became a little less happy during day because of the lack of sleep I think. My happy, smiling, giggling little boy is back, though. He's such a little sweetheart and he just melts my heart. A giant grin comes across his face when I walk in the room to get him after a nap. He nuzzles his little face into the crook of my neck when I pick him up and while he's still shaking the sleep off. It's so much fun to see him so alert and taking everything around him in with those big eyes. His eyes are still blue by the way. They look like they might have some brown creeping in, but for now they're still bluish gray. Love this guy!


Parker at 5 Months

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