

Monday, June 16, 2014

Big Boy Trip to the Zoo

Until now Parker really couldn't be trusted at places like the zoo or the aquarium without being strapped into the stroller. If allowed to run free, that is exactly what he did. He would be out of sight in moments, which is both annoying and really scary in a busy public place. This trip to the zoo was completely different, though. He didn't run off once and when it was time to go, he climbed back into the stroller as soon as he was asked. My little boy sure is growing up. Not too much, though. He loved looking at the animals...almost as much as he loved all the waterfalls and leaves on the ground. He also still paused a couple of times while looking at animals to give me a hug and kiss. I'm sure before I know it he'll really be grown up and won't dare give me hugs and kisses in public. Love this kid! 

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