

Monday, June 30, 2014

Mariners Game

In addition to watching lots of sports on TV, when Damo is in town we usually make it to at least one sporting event. This time is was a Mariners game on a beautiful night. Parker stayed at home with a sitter and got to bed on time, but Conway got to join in on the fun.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Conway is Four Months Old

Conway at 4 Months
Height/Length: 26.75in (98%)
Weight: 15lb 10.5oz (50%)
Head Circumference: 41.8cm (50%)
I know I keep saying this, but seriously, how is it possible that Conway is already four months old! Four months is a fun age, but I actually kind of miss my tiny little newborn. He's just getting so big way too fast.
Conway is still very smiley and giggly and he's starting to babble and coo a lot more. He's also constantly moving his arms, kicking his legs, and sucking/chewing on his hands. I'm sure this is why I can't seem to keep him swaddled...even with the Miracle Blanket, which is basically a baby straight jacket. I know. I know. Why don't we just quit swaddling him. And the answer is that we probably should. When he gets out of the swaddle, though, he wakes himself up. And he's sleeping so well that I don't want to mess with it.
Speaking of sleep, Conway is almost sleeping through the night. They say that "sleeping though the night" is sleeping a 6 hour stretch, but I think that's a crazy definition because that would still require me to get up during the night. Conway goes to bed at 8:00pm and after his 10:30pm dream feed, he's been sleeping until 5:00am or 6:00am. Then after eating he goes right back to sleep until 8:00am. What's tricky is when he has slept right through until 7:15am or so because he's not going back to sleep at that point and it kind of throws off his three pretty regular naps during the day. I'm not going to complain about him sleeping until 7:15am, though. Conway basically takes after his mama and loves his sleep.
Conway isn't just wiggly at night. We hear "Conway's kicking!" a lot in our house because Parker loves to call it out and Conway kicks a lot. While he hasn't rolled over yet, he has started rolling onto his side. He has also started grabbing at the toys that hang from his little play gym. He bats at them and then eventually they end up in his mouth. He wants everything in his mouth and he's started drooling quite a bit. I don't think he's teething yet, but there sure is a lot of chewing and drooling going on.
All in all, four months is pretty darn good and this kid is pretty darn cute. Am I right?!  

 Parker at 4 Months
Height/Length: 26in (80%)
Weight: 14lb 10oz (50%)
Head Circumference: 40.5cm (50%)


Saturday, June 28, 2014

Gas Works Park

One of David's favorite things to do on a sunny weekend is take sandwiches to the park. This time we went to Gas Works and as luck would have it the solstice festival was under way. We weren't really planning on all the crowds (or naked people), but Parker didn't seem to notice and he had fun running around and climbing on David. Damo was with us too, but he took on the role of photographer on this outing.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Uncle Damo!


 If we're lucky, Uncle Damian (aka Damo) visits a couple times a year. This usually means a few things: amazing pictures of his recent adventures, at least one trip to Targy's, lots of sports watching, oyster eating, and this time he got to meet his new nephew, Conway! Parker couldn't be left out of the fun so of course his request was to...take a bus downtown! Damo was kind enough to oblige.


Thursday, June 26, 2014

Making Dinner


No really, Parker, this is the perfect place for you to bring your toy basket and play while I make dinner. :-) 

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Love for Papa

There is no question that Parker loves his Papa. It sure is nice, though, when he shows it. Parker can be such a sweetheart and it's the best when he grabs your face for a full on kiss. Have I mentioned that I love this kid?!

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Rainy Day Bubbles

Sometimes rainy days call for whisking bubbles and playing with water. Parker loves bubble baths so I was surprised that at first he wasn't quite sure about the bubbles sticking to his hands. He got over that pretty quickly, though, and had a great time with this rainy day activity.



Monday, June 16, 2014

Big Boy Trip to the Zoo

Until now Parker really couldn't be trusted at places like the zoo or the aquarium without being strapped into the stroller. If allowed to run free, that is exactly what he did. He would be out of sight in moments, which is both annoying and really scary in a busy public place. This trip to the zoo was completely different, though. He didn't run off once and when it was time to go, he climbed back into the stroller as soon as he was asked. My little boy sure is growing up. Not too much, though. He loved looking at the animals...almost as much as he loved all the waterfalls and leaves on the ground. He also still paused a couple of times while looking at animals to give me a hug and kiss. I'm sure before I know it he'll really be grown up and won't dare give me hugs and kisses in public. Love this kid! 

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Brooke's Birthday Party

 Brooke's tea party themed birthday party called for dressing up and the only thing cuter than one Totten boy in a tie shirt is two Totten boys in tie shirts. Thanks Aunt Sarah for the super fun shirts. And Happy Birthday Brooke!

Friday, June 13, 2014

Tummy Time and Bucking Bronco

What started out as tummy time with Papa soon turned into bucking bronco. Some would argue that Conway is a little too young for bucking bronco, but he definitely enjoyed hanging out with his papa. He's getting better and better at holding his head up without support and he seems to really enjoy the new view.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Car Transporter!!

One of Parker's current obsessions is car transporters. He even loves stacking his matchbox cars on top of one another and calling them car transporters. So when a real car transporter parked right in front of our house and loaded up some cars, Parker was mesmerized.  

Monday, June 9, 2014

Mowing the Lawn

Parker is a pretty good helper when it comes to mowing the lawn. Notice how he's mastered both the push and pull techniques.


Saturday, June 7, 2014

Friends and the Playground

Brooke and Parker
ready, set, GO!
Finn got a little too excited and had
to be penalized for a false start
Parker loves the playground as I'm sure most kids his age do. In fact, if we go for a walk in the morning, he can potentially ask for the playground 1000 times before I'm actually done with the walk and ready for the playground. His two favorite parts are the slides and the sandbox filled with diggers and dump trucks. Two days in a row, though, he saw friends at the playground which is obviously extra fun and called for races down the double slide. That was extra fun for me too because it gave me a bit of a break as usually I'm the one he enlists in the tandem sliding activity.