

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Conway is Three Months Old

 Can you believe it?! Conway is 3 months old! No official doctor visit at 3 months so we don't have the weight/length/head stats, but we do have a very happy baby. He smiles all the time and even laughs every once in a while. Okay, so the laugh basically only comes out when he's being tickled. This kid is super ticklish and I have a hard time not tickling him constantly. I know, quit torturing him....but he's even cuter when he giggles!
He has also become enamored by his hands, which means we've had to switch to the Miracle Blanket in order to keep him swaddled. He basically sleeps in a straight jacket, poor kid, but the alternative is him waking himself up by hitting himself in the face and sucking on his hands. We'll see how long this lasts because he's pretty much Houdini.
Conway made the monumental move to his own room at night. Until now he's been napping in his room, but sleeping in the pack n play in our closet at night because I was too lazy to make the trek down the stairs in the middle of the night to feed him. I finally decided, though, that I can make that trip once during the night. The ruling after two nights, not so bad.  
Also notable: He has started blowing bubbles and babbling a lot - pretty cute during the day, not as much in the middle of the night. All in all, I'm loving this age right now.

Parker at 3 Months 

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