

Sunday, May 11, 2014

A Very Happy Mother's Day!

This was basically the perfect Mother's Day. I got to sleep in (or at least the version of sleeping in that a 10 week old allows). David made me coffee and breakfast. I got a sweet card from my two little boys and another one from the big boy in the house. They gave me a new handbag, which David says is the new tradition. I think he phrased it as, "new baby, new handbag." We'll have to work on what I have to do to earn a new handbag in the future. Church was followed by lunch out, naps (me included), a trip to Alki beach, take-out for dinner, and then popcorn with a glass of wine while watching The Good Wife. And the icing on the cake is that we got to have David's mom join us for the latter half of the day. All in all a pretty perfect day.
I am so very lucky to have two happy and healthy boys (three if we count David). They all melt my heart in their own ways. I also feel luckier than words can describe to have a mom who has set such a great example of what it means to love and care for her children. Her love for the Lord, the way she cares for others and puts them before herself, her seemingly boundless energy, and the joy she finds in the small things all make her the most wonderful mother. Now that I'm a mom, I know what it's like to love someone more than yourself. She has shown that kind of love to me my whole life. I can only hope that my kids feel the same amount of love for me when they're adults that I do for my mom.
Happy Mother's Day!

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