

Friday, May 30, 2014

Chelan for Memorial Day?

Chelan is usually a summertime trip for us, but we decided to go there for a long Memorial Day weekend. The weather wasn't quite as sunny and hot, but we still had a nice time.
Highlights from the trip:
- Finn and Parker playing in the sand together
- Parker cuddling with Conway
- Parker "riding" his bike back and forth in front of the house (to Parker riding his bike is actually standing over it and pushing)
- Dinners with Lars, Shannon, and Finn
Lowlights from the trip:
- For only the second time ever, Parker not falling asleep for his nap
- Parker hitting Finn in the head with his car rather than have to share. Finn and Parker's aversion to sharing with each other makes me less than excited to mediate that situation for a whole week in Chelan this summer. Yikes! 
Parker cuddling with Conway.
Family Picture - What's with the faces, kids?
Parker and Finn giving bye-bye hugs.

Heading home.
Parker never falls asleep in the car anymore
 and this was at about 10am so clearly it was
a taxing weekend for him.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Conway is Three Months Old

 Can you believe it?! Conway is 3 months old! No official doctor visit at 3 months so we don't have the weight/length/head stats, but we do have a very happy baby. He smiles all the time and even laughs every once in a while. Okay, so the laugh basically only comes out when he's being tickled. This kid is super ticklish and I have a hard time not tickling him constantly. I know, quit torturing him....but he's even cuter when he giggles!
He has also become enamored by his hands, which means we've had to switch to the Miracle Blanket in order to keep him swaddled. He basically sleeps in a straight jacket, poor kid, but the alternative is him waking himself up by hitting himself in the face and sucking on his hands. We'll see how long this lasts because he's pretty much Houdini.
Conway made the monumental move to his own room at night. Until now he's been napping in his room, but sleeping in the pack n play in our closet at night because I was too lazy to make the trek down the stairs in the middle of the night to feed him. I finally decided, though, that I can make that trip once during the night. The ruling after two nights, not so bad.  
Also notable: He has started blowing bubbles and babbling a lot - pretty cute during the day, not as much in the middle of the night. All in all, I'm loving this age right now.

Parker at 3 Months 

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Roche Harbor

As a slightly pre-Memorial Day weekend trip, we went to Roche Harbor for a few days. Parker got to ride on a ferry boat, watch airplanes take off, check out the boats, see "lots of water", and run around in a large grassy field. All in all, a pretty perfect trip for him. The rest of us had a great time too.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Parker Loves His "Uncles"

We had lots of fun when Matt, Sarah, Philip, and Samantha came for a quick visit. Parker actually refers to them as Uncle Matt, Uncle Sarah, Uncle Philip, and Uncle Samantha. While they were here we got to read books, hang out in the back yard, dig in Parker's "garden" box, and even go to the park and play chase.


Chase is a common activity when these kids get together and Philip had already taught the younger two some ground rules, but it appears as though he decided to give them a refresher course. Look closely to see how the race played out.
First Philip explained the rules to Parker and Samantha.
Ready. Set. (notice the wide base...part of Philip's teachings)

Philip got off to a good start and kept his lead.

And here comes Parker and Samantha.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Tummy Time

I wouldn't say Conway is really enjoying tummy time, but he's getting better at it.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Big Dog or Little Dog?

Photo courtesy of Captured by Emi
Favorite quotable moment with Parker today - We saw a few dogs while we were out for a walk and I asked Parker which he liked better, big dogs or little dogs. Without hesitation he replied, "brown dog...and Mama's cuddle dog and Papa's cuddle dog and big long snake and bird and bunny and giraffe and blue dog." I was confused for a moment, but for anyone who isn't familiar, these are Parker's stuffed animals. I love this kid!

Sunday, May 11, 2014

A Very Happy Mother's Day!

This was basically the perfect Mother's Day. I got to sleep in (or at least the version of sleeping in that a 10 week old allows). David made me coffee and breakfast. I got a sweet card from my two little boys and another one from the big boy in the house. They gave me a new handbag, which David says is the new tradition. I think he phrased it as, "new baby, new handbag." We'll have to work on what I have to do to earn a new handbag in the future. Church was followed by lunch out, naps (me included), a trip to Alki beach, take-out for dinner, and then popcorn with a glass of wine while watching The Good Wife. And the icing on the cake is that we got to have David's mom join us for the latter half of the day. All in all a pretty perfect day.
I am so very lucky to have two happy and healthy boys (three if we count David). They all melt my heart in their own ways. I also feel luckier than words can describe to have a mom who has set such a great example of what it means to love and care for her children. Her love for the Lord, the way she cares for others and puts them before herself, her seemingly boundless energy, and the joy she finds in the small things all make her the most wonderful mother. Now that I'm a mom, I know what it's like to love someone more than yourself. She has shown that kind of love to me my whole life. I can only hope that my kids feel the same amount of love for me when they're adults that I do for my mom.
Happy Mother's Day!

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Take a Bus Downtown

The words "take a bus downtown" are spoken in our house approximately 50 times a day. No, this number is not exaggerated and no, David and Conway are not the ones making this request. Parker is obsessed with taking a bus downtown, an activity he's done a few times with David. When the request is made, Parker phrases it as a question and his face gets all squinty. Sometimes he even throws a maybe in at the end. Take a bus downtown maybe? Conway and I joined in on the fun this time.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Conway is Two Months Old

Conway at 2 Months
Height/Length: 24.75in (98%)
Weight: 12lb 6.5oz (50%)
Head Circumference: 40cm (75%)

Parker at 2 Months
Height/Length: 23in (50%)
Weight: 11lb 13oz (50%)
Head Circumference: 38.5cm (50%)