

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

A Weekend Filled With Family

We got to see lots of family this past weekend!
 First was a visit to the Totten house. Parker got to play with cousin Anjali and Grandpa Terry while Conway got lots of cuddles from Grandma Dianna and Aunt Kelly.
Then it was off to the Johnson house to die Easter eggs. As always, the award for most able to stay focused on the activity went to Philip. Samantha and Parker did their best to explore the materials, though, which mostly meant making a mess.

And then for the real reason for the trip to Camas - Samantha's 2nd birthday party!! It was a Minnie Mouse theme which meant that everyone got to wear mouse ears. Grandpa Bob even gave in and put a pair on when Philip told him he had to in order to have a cupcake.

Happy Birthday Samantha!

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