

Friday, January 10, 2014


Dumping the blocks directly from their bag into his "pumpkin patch" didn't go exactly as he had planned, but Parker did enjoy them falling all over the floor so much that it caused him to burst into hysterical laughter. Was it the sound they made hitting the wood floor? Was it the mess it created? I'm not really sure. But when the laughter ended, much to my pleasure, he spent the next several minutes picking up the blocks and putting them in the pumpkin on his own one by one. Don't you just love it when a plan ends up working out? Parker obviously does...

Monday, January 6, 2014

Growing boy...

As we near the joyful arrival of #2, I can’t help but comment on how much fun Parker J is, and how amazing he’s been as a little man, growing every single day!!  The picture taken above is obviously an older one, but it’s one of my favorites – taken when we were in Chelan for our annual voyage with the Johnsons, in Safeway with the justified title of “Leading indicators tell us that melons are fun.”  Some of my favorite things that Parker does, now and previously over the past 2.5 years…

  • He gives really good hugs now – he used to just give a lean with his body.  Now, he puts his arms around you, makes a hugging noise, and pats you on the back.  Fun!
  • He chases Olive around like nobody’s business, and when he sees her he proudly exclaims, “Hi Olive!!!”, with emphasis on the “V” in her name. 
  • When we’re out running, or driving back to our place, if he gets within a few blocks, he shouts with glee, “We’re almost home!!”
  • He will absolutely tell you what a digger does, and what cranes do, and you better watch it if you don't know what sound a Lion makes. 
  • He loves to sing, and dance – his dance moves center around a nice wide base with his legs, and then some bobbing up and down.  Pretty sure he got that rhythm from me…
  • Speaking of singing, he loves himself some music – playing piano at grandma’s, any toy that plays music he shouts, “Make music!!”  And, if you sing a verse to one of his favorite songs, he tells you, “Good Singing, Papa!”
  • Favorite songs – Happy Birthday (which is actually, “Happy To You”), Twinkle Twinkle, ABC’s, Old McDonald, Jesus Loves Me, The Dinosaur Song, the Bumblebee Song, Finger Families, Itsy Bitsy Spider
  • When he can’t get Mama’s attention, he reverts to calling her “Treva” now.  It’s pretty hilarious, actually.  Mama disagrees J.
  • He likes to hold your hand when you’re reading books…and sometimes, he holds your hand voluntarily when taking walks.  It’s the best!
  • He makes a “cuddle / tickle” sound, which could be perceived as a bird’s mating call.  I say bird because judging by Olive’s reaction when he does it and starts fasttacking toward her, it certainly can’t be a Beagle mating call.
  • He loves to rub his belly – and belly bump with you – and asks you to tickle and kiss his belly.  Anything belly related, he’s all in!
  • Absolutely cracks up when you act like you’re smelling his feet and then snap away saying, “oooohhhh, stinky!!” – laughs like none other!
  • Somebody, somewhere, showed him Thomas the Train on their phone.  Could have been grandparents…could have been a sitter.  Regardless, he sees a phone out, he requests Thomas.
  • Sentence structure needs some work – he ends all declarative statements with “is”…such as, when I yawn, “Papa tired is.” 
  • When he sees something “big,” he tells you about it – in a very strong tone, with his eyes bulging and his lips pursed out.  It’s incredible!  And little…well, that’s much less demonstrative.
  • Police car, Race Car.  Police car, Race Car.  Police car, Race Car.
  • He provides helpful directions, just in case you ever needed them – “Sit on Mama…Papa do it!....Park this car!....Close that garage!”
  • Eating is getting pickier, though he’s always been such a great eater – he does call water “Ah-bart” still, for some reason.  No idea where that came from.
  • He knows how to say Please…sometimes, he needs a reminder, but still, pretty good.  He knows how to say Thank You, instead of whispering “tah-tah” now.  Oh, and I taught him to say, “Thanks, Chief” which is pretty fun.
  • He calls the Playground, "playground" opposed to "The Fun."  I still call it "The Fun" though, he'll come around...
  • He thinks mama is more funny than papa.  TBD. 
  • Finally, he sure loves to see his mama after a run!  He sprints up the stairs, in through the door, and runs to wherever Treva is for a big hug and kiss!  “Go See Mama!!!”  It’s the best!
It’s been so much fun the past couple of years, cannot wait to see him continue to grow!  I don’t care if he talks like Yoda forever, I know he will always appreciate a good watermelon!!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Gingerbread Houses

Well, so Samantha only wanted to eat the candy and Parker was mostly interested in dumping it out of the bowls and putting it back in the bowls. The award for house completed mostly by a child goes to Philip who was very focused on decorating his gingerbread house. I trust that Samantha and Parker will grow into that someday. In the end, we had a great time, though. Parker enjoys any time he gets to spend with his cousins "Thilip" and "Nanana".