

Thursday, September 26, 2013


One of Parker's new favorite things to do is to play and cuddle with his assortment of stuffed animals. Sometimes he pulls out a blanket and sets them all up on it like they're having a little circle time together. Sometimes he piles them all up and rolls around in them, which he refers to as "cuddles". Sometimes he insists that each family member has his or her own dog to "cuddles". In this case, Parker is in charge of handing the dogs out to each person. It has soon become clear that when we are each cuddling with a dog, we get the same one every time. Parker always gets the dog he sleeps with at night, which he calls Brown Dog. Treva always gets the biggest dog, which Parker calls Black Dog. And David is always handed the tiny little dog, which at this point doesn't have a name. Parker then proceeds to use his dog to act out all the different things he knows dogs do. He makes his dog pant, he makes it lick his face and he licks it back, and he makes it bark. Apparently that is where his knowledge of dogs ends. Olive is pretty lazy so I'd be amazed if he has actually witnessed her doing more than one of these. In fact, if his knowledge of dogs in based on Olive, the only actions he should know are sleep, eat, and bark. Either way, it's pretty cute.

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