

Saturday, May 18, 2013

The Kid can talk!!!

Okay, so there is the strong potential that only Treva and I can actually understand what he's saying the majority of the time.  BUT, he recognizes things and says words like crazy right now!  This is a particularly enjoyable phase, he's a ton of fun with his actions..and now, he talks!  Some of his favorite words to date: 
  • Mama
  • Papa
  • Bye-Bye
  • Hi-yeeee - that means "Hello, Good Day"
  • Airplane - more like "Nah-Nay!"
  • Digger - "Digga!!!!!"
  • Lion
  • Baby
  • Keys
  • Strawberry - "nah-berra"
  • Bus - used to miss the "S", but now he throws a lisp on the end.  Good stuff
  • Socks
  • Shoes
  • Barcelona Futbol for Life - still in the development phase.
  • Truck
  • Bird - "Be-yo"
  • Go - "Goooooo!"
  • Eggs
  • Uh-Oh - he hears his papa say this a lot....
  • Hot - "Aught"
  • evidenced in the following, "Er-Ker"