

Friday, March 29, 2013

The Dinner Show!!

Besides gazing into each others' eyes (and eating) during dinner, Treva and I also love spending time enjoying the local entertainment.  Of course, that's where Parker has a starring role.  I tried to capture as many of his "learned behaviors" as possible in two minutes, with the following official branding from Parker:
  • His "E.T." touch-point strategy - we can do this for hours.
  • The old "crooked neck, shake it out" dance move.  I swear, he put these two together on his own, we had nothing to do with it.  And now, he can't do one without the's amazing.
  • The "Bitter Beer Face" - he thinks it's funny.  I think it's HILARIOUS.  He does it on command too.  And he always looks at Treva with 'the look' funny.
  • The "Zookeeper" - my favorite is the Lion.  The Cow is the same sound he makes when he eats good food....
Anyway, just a little glimpse into the fun that Treva and I are blessed with every day!!

Sunday, March 24, 2013


Parker, are you expecting company? It's very kind of you to set the table, but are some of your friends sitting on the floor?

Friday, March 22, 2013

Papa? When are you coming home, Papa?

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Getting better at Hide & Seek...

Parker's insatiable desire to climb and fit his little body into places where he shouldn't be has found him with some strong advantages - namely, the "Where's Parker" game.  What Parker hasn't figured out yet is that no matter how stealth his hiding place may be, he still needs to be quiet as to not give away his position.  He's good at hiding - not so good at doing it quietly....

Thursday, March 7, 2013

If I could understand more than a handful of Parker's words, I know when we were leaving preschool I would have heard him saying, "I LOVE preschool because we get to drive cars (and caterpillars?) through a racetrack made of paint!!" The downside to this fun activity is that Parker loves messy things until they actually touch his skin so as soon as the paint got on his hands he was done. I wonder if he inherited that from his mama or his papa? Hmmmm.....

Monday, March 4, 2013

Cars, cars, cars!!! Parker is taking after his cousin Philip and has found his new true!