

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

So Close!

There once was the time when we could set Parker down anywhere, walk away, and know that he would still be in that exact same spot and in the exact same position when we returned. Friends, these days have passed. Parker has mastered rolling, which is his primary mode of transportation, but he’s experimenting with some more interesting strategies. There is the “get up on all fours and try to go forward only to push myself backward” strategy. This generally ends in being stuck underneath something. There is also the “get up on all fours and push with my feet only to do a face plant” strategy. This doesn’t usually end well either. Then there is the ever popular superman pose and the good old lean. Both are staples in Parker's repertoire, but not real effective when the goal is to move. While none of these strategies have proven to be super efficient yet, we’re confident that at some point he will figure out that in addition to pushing with his feet and moving his legs he also has to move his hands in order to crawl forward.

Friday, March 9, 2012

"Jogging" Stroller

Parker J went for his first ride in the big boy jogging stroller! Now, don’t be fooled by the name. Just because it is called a “jogging” stroller doesn’t mean any actual jogging took place. For one thing, Parker is too young to jog yet people. Now his mom isn’t too young to jog, but the side ache that ensued after increasing the pace to a brisk walk would indicate that we are not yet ready for jogging. Parker did kick his little legs with glee the entire ride, though, so he kind of looked like he was jogging.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Merry Christmas...In March?!

Hopefully better late than never applies in this situation because I just realized that no photos of Parker’s first Christmas were ever posted!!  We are blessed to have both sets of grandparents in the same town, which means when we head to Camas for the holidays we get to see everyone! The current routine is to spend Christmas Eve at the Totten house and Christmas Day with the Jackson/Deans. This year was no different (except for Tiny Tots joining us of course). Parker's first Christmas was a success in many ways. First, he got to cuddle with all his favorite people. Second, Christmas trees have lights on them and Parker is a BIG fan of lights. Third, he is use to taking naps so the mid-day Christmas nap was not a surprise to him. The biggest success of the day, though, was that Parker rolled over for the first time. In fact, it took so much effort for him to get from his back to his belly that the momentum brought him all the way over and on to his back again. We're not sure if he was more frightened by his new accomplishment or by the loud cheering that ensued. Either way, he calmed down quickly and we all had a Very Merry Christmas.

It’s okay, Parker. Uncle Gary was only kidding when he said you weren’t getting any presents this year.

Enough with the presents! I want some of Grandma Connie’s famous cinnamon rolls!!

Six Months Old!

Best kid ever, and he keeps getting older, crazy!  Six months old, can you believe that?!  Obviously, his neck is a lot stronger, his smiles are getting increasingly bigger, and apparently, his P90-x "Ripped Abs" exercise routine isn't really showing the desired effects.  Yet.