

Monday, January 2, 2012

Times, they are a changin'....

We are LOVING Parker at this age, he’s so expressive and interested in so many different things!  We have seen a lot of change in him as well – he’s growing and learning so much, every day!  Some key / fun milestones we have seen recently:
  • He used to talk all the time – just sit there on his own and babble.  Now, he only does this part of the time.  If he’s being vocal now, it’s about sticking his tongue out and “coo’ing” in a steady, high-pitched voice.  It’s probably too early, but gauging his tone….I’m pretty sure we do not have the next Justin Bieber with this kid.
  • Yes, he has discovered his tongue – and he loves it.  And he watches with so much excitement when I stick my tongue out at him.  Treva doesn’t stick her tongue out at him, of course – but I do all the time.  It’s kind of our thing. 
  • Parker’s favorite food:  still breast milk.
  • He blows bubbles.  Remember the Cosby Show, and Dr. Huckstable used to call them “zerbits”?  Yeah, he does those by himself, and it’s hilarious!
  • When we’re changing him, or trying to put his pajamas up, he gets this ridiculous devilish grin on this mug and tries to grab you with his hands and bring whatever he can get to his mouth.  It’s really cute – and unbelievably annoying at 5am. 
  • He has discovered Olive the Beagle – before, he didn’t even notice her.  Now, he watches her come and go – it’s only a matter of time until I try and see if Parker can ride her.  It’s going to be an epic video.

  • My favorite Stupid Totten trick:  when you blow on Parker’s face, his eyes get big, he takes a giant breath in through his nose, then lets it out slowly through his mouth…making that cute baby sigh.  It’s hilarious!  It actually is so funny, it makes me light-headed.  Though, thinking more in depth about this now, that could be from my blowing on him so much.
  • Parker’s favorite band:  Blink 182.
  • He can roll over now – we’ve witnessed it, even have the first “official” rollover on tape!  Actually, his first rollover was technically here at the house – he went from his stomach to his back, but it was only because he was trying to see something and once his head gets to a point of no return, his body has to follow.  He’s like one of those crocodiles they hunt in his 4th favorite show, Swamp People.  Once you get the head in the boat, the body has no choice but to follow.  Well, that’s like Parker rolling over.  He rolled from his back to his belly, then back to his front over at Grandma Jackson-Dean’s house on Christmas, after some significant training from Grandma Totten the night before  – everybody was pretty excited.  But not Parker – in fact, it freaked him out something special!  It’s never funny to laugh at your child when they cry – except for when it’s something super funny like a panic cry because of rolling over!
  • Parker has a jumper – and I’m not referring to a sweatshirt in England.  He loves jumping!  Though lately, when we put him in his “Jumparoo,” he’s noticed the toys / things to look at.  So he spends less time jumping, more time analyzing.  Pretty interesting stuff on there, apparently.
  • He’s ticklish. 
  • He knows his dad is HILARIOUS.  Well, I guess it's just that Parker loves to laugh and smile - his face just lights up when he sees a smiling face, it's pretty funny.  I think we should actually get him some clown paraphernalia or something in fact, keep him laughing all day long.  If only I didn't have a recurring dream involving a clown....clowns are weird.  So instead, I just laugh and smile at him, and he seems to respond well to that....Check the video below as proof!

In fact, prepare to see more videos on this site as well.  My mother told me that videos don't work when viewing the blog on one of those archaic technology "iDevices"...and I support that boycott.  More videos to be posted!!

Giggles and Grins for all you do in 2012, happy New Years!

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